2 The Results

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A few hours later in the facility's director's office after patient hours

Dr. Rauff POV

I don't know why HE thinks he has any right to be in my office requesting favors, especially after denying my pleas to help Jack or otherwise aid in my operations. HE deserves to go to hell instead of sulking my desk with the azure skin of his fingertips scrolling through MY personal data-pad hoping to find Deri-rewa (Pau'an goddess) knows what.

I scanned my office glancing at each and every book I had lined up along the back wall, most where Genetics and Anatomy textbooks covering everything from humans to hutts, with a few photo albums Jack sent me filled to the brim with pictures of him, his wife Nyra, and my nephews Henri and Tiger. I can't wait till their next visit, Nyra may drive me mad but her boys couldn't be sweeter kids, kind of like the boy who was here earlier...his secret is safe for now. The Grand Admiral is sitting silently running his weekly DNA comparison test against an unknown sample of what looks to be Chis DNA, probably his to see if any of his conquests proved fruitful.

All the sudden he looks up excitedly crying out, "Finally! Thank you my beautiful doctor" he stood up and met my eyes, and continued speaking "I need to see the body scan that goes with this file immediately!"

Scared by his unusual display of emotion I stepped over to pick up the data--pad only to see the code number of the boy I saw earlier, the same one who had good cause to keep his scan private. "My apologizes Grand Admiral Thrawn, but this individual was granted extra privacy," I hissed, putting the pad back down as far away from Thrawn as I could get it, I was always afraid he would abuse my leniency towards him, now he was prying his nose into documents meant only for my researchers' eyes, "in addition the patient is under the age of 18, I can't show you without a guardian's permission"

Thrawn was enraged by my defiance and tried to pin me to a wall by my throat just as a lab technician stepped in staring at his own datapad, not seeing the frightful scene before him until the door closed behind him "Dr, you need to see these resu...AAHHH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HER!" he screamed,

to which Thrawn sternly answered"Hush you stupid human, and display the body scan on that case file THIS INSTANT or else" he half whispered the last part as he pointed to the data-pad on the table. To my disappointment the tec, Kevin complied entering in all the necessary codes to display the unblurred version before us.

Thrawn Pov

I hoped to see a lovely lady's form to appear before me, that would make my plan easy to accomplish, her DNA opening my path to power among my own people.

To my astonishment before us stood the hologram of a familiar young man, one I have held captive before, Ezra Bridger. He held the key to my power.

Turning back to the good doctor, I loosened my hand from her throat so she could answer and gave her a simple ultimatum, "Tell me, what makes you so protective of this young man, or I will use your facility as target practice, after inviting your precious nephew first" by the last word I had managed to grab a picture of the teen posing with a violin draped over his shoulder off her desk, turning it to show her.

I smiled at the sight of her squirming away from me with shame in her eyes as she mumbled something to the ground. Annoyed, I glared at her, "Louder sweetheart," she winced even deeper into herself at the fake sweetness of my tone, "What reason do you have to protect one of the rebels that put your brother on the edge of death, he's still not done with physical therapy is he?" That got her thinking, her eyes large with shock she looked up at me, then across the room at the hologram of the boy she must have went out of her way to comfort and protect.

"What do y-you need him for?" She whispered, hoping I wouldn't notice her voice crack from emotional pain, she wanted both to protect him and destroy him. in that moment both options were equal.

I decided telling her would make the decision easy "My homeworld recently lost the last of its Royal family, all but this boy right here" pointing to the hologram "If he becomes partner to a noble Chis man or woman his offspring will be heirs to the throne, my people need the stability his marriage would bring" I stated, adding in a hint of fake sadness to gain her empathy, the fear in her eyes turned to concern, then anger when she saw through my play.

So much for the gentle way, I thought before returning my hand to her throat squeezing just hard enough for her to feel it through the thick neck covering all pau'ans wear. The lab tech whimpered in the corner of the room trying to hide behind the desk, guess I forgot him for a moment. I turned the doctor around to face him and leaned into the nob that covered her right ear and whispered "See him? Tell me before his DNA is scattered all over your meticulously clean office" I pulled out my blaster from Its holster aiming it directly between the dusty blue eyes of the tec, his blond hair sullied from stress sweat.

"DON'T HURT KEVIN! Fine! I'll show you, give me the pad" she yelled, well as close to yelling you could get with a hand wrapped around your throat. I stepped back, but kept my blaster trained on the tec to remind her not to be stupid and try to hurt me or delete the file, "Kevin, huh?" I called to the lab tech causing him to almost piss himself "while your here I need you to message the office that you will be taking a brief sabbatical," Smiling I knew this worthless grunt would keep the good doctor answering my every beck and call, and I could practice my interrogation techniques without any need to worry about getting any results.

In the corner was an empty crate, that might be useful to...

"You wanted my answer? Look" the angry Pau'an hissed. God, she's like her moronic brother. I thought as I turned to the hologram,beconing Dr. Rauff to stand beside me because I had no clue what I was looking at. Ezra's hologram had orange highlights running through his groin but part of it extended inward to show what looked like an abstract deer's head

"Let me grab my textbook," the doctor said as she began to turn from me to fetch it. She set it down on the desk and opened it up to show an identical image to the strange inward projection. Reading the caption beneath it was the "female reproductive system" I muttered surprised. The doctor decided my initial jolt was enough for her to get the advantage as she took another textbook off the shelf and tried to hit me with it, snapping out of my stupor I caught the book with one hand and fired a stun shot at her chest with the other and she went down. When did I set my blaster to stun? Better she's alive anyway, she's probably the only one who can care for the boy, wait not boy, girl. if I am to be king, he must be my queen. "Get in the crate" I commanded the tec, that coward will do anything I say apparently. thoughts raced through my head as he shuffled over to the crate, it was clearly too small for both of them, guess I'll just take him for now, leave the doctor a note to contact me for instructions on how to collect my new hope.

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