Big news!!!!!!!!!!

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Let me start off with saying that things are going to be changing. I'm obviously not going to make my goal of 95 pounds by November 1st. That is clear as can be. BUT. I am still of course planning on being 88 by December 27th. I'm just going about it a different way. I AM DONE WITH STARVING MYSELF AND GAINING WEIGHT IN A HEARTBEAT AND HAVING SLOW METABOLISM. IM DONE BEING UNHEALTHY. so from now on, I am taking a pledge to be healthy. This is so complicated to try to explain... Okay. I keep changing my mind, but I'm doing this diet for sure starting tomorrow. The abc diet take two is off because I don't want a repeat of losing and then gaining weight. I was looking on YouTube for effective healthy diets. Key word healthy. And found that a lot of weight loss success stories had a common plan. I'm applying this plan to my life starting tomorrow. It goes like this:

Three cups of green tea a day

Four bottles of water a day

5 mini meals a day

A protein shake as one of the mini meals

One 20 minute workout a day

Decrease carbs and increase cardio

Weight training

Increase sleep (8hours or more whenever possible. Never less than 6hours)

Clean eating- no more binge Fridays! Instead, im deciding to allow myself one sweet snack every Friday. That's it.

Low sugar

Have lots of food with natural diuretics

Lots of protein

So for the five meals

- meal one- 7am- protein shake and oatmeal, eggs, or fruit

- meal two- 10am- this is my lunch time for school. I'll probably have an apple and a yogurt or something along those lines

- meal three- 2pm- half of a protein bar

- meal four- 4 pm- half of a protein bar

- meal five- whenever dinner is served- something light such as a veggie burger, fish, or soup. I won't eat three hours before I go to sleep

The deal is that you keep track of calories but don't limit them. As long as it's healthy, you eat until you are satisfied. Also, you can only weigh twice- once at the start and once at the end of the diet. Guys. I have legit gained back all the weight I lost. And more. I look so so so fat and I'm tired of it. When I tell you all the number tomorrow, don't freak out. I'm warning you right now that it's going to be close to 115. I know. It's unacceptable. But I feel like this time, if I lose weight the healthy way, it'll stay off. I can't keep putting myself through the torture of losing weight and then gaining. It's too much for me and I just can't handle it anymore. One woman lost twenty pounds in twenty days doing this, and another lost twenty pounds in a month. If in a month I lose twenty pounds THE SAFE AND HEALTHY WAY, I'll be 95, which mind you, is a perfectly normal weight for a five foot tall teenage girl. So I don't want any comments saying how unhealthy I am, okay? Because I'm trying to do this the right way. If you have any suggestions of how to improve this plan or make it more effective or healthier or even if you want to share your experience, I would loooooove to hear it. I'm open to suggestions and recommendations as always. I talked to my mom about it and she's excited for me... Cool stuff. Anyways, when I hit 88, which is still a healthy weight for me, yes, I have checked with a doctor, then I can eat a cookie once in a while and I won't instantly gain five pounds. I just want my energy back and my life back. I've been eating full pizzas by myself lately. Yeaaaahhhhh. I can't blame this on pms. It's me not seeing results and being an idiot and eating my feelings away. Not anymore, pizza! No way. I'm making healthy choices for a healthy body. And HEALTHY weight loss. I won't have to hide not eating anymore. I won't have to wake up with stomach pains. I won't have to worry about passing out, or always being cold. Nope. I'm going to make this change, and STICK WITH THIS CHANGE, and you'll all see/hear from a brand new me.

I'd say to wish me luck, but luck is for amateurs😉

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