
158 10 7

Hey friends,

So I had been trying to eat 1000 or under every day and tbh I kept overeating and then having to exercise it off. It's just not working. So I was thinking, hmmmm, what did work for me? And my answer was the abc diet. It worked fabulously up until about day 20, so if I do it for about 20 days, then I'm sure I'll see some results before my metabolism slows. Guys I know I've gained so much weight. It's so obvious. Well, tomorrow is a new day, and I'm ecstatic to announce that I will once again be on the abc diet! Yayyyy 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Tomorrow I get 500 calories. Breakfast I'm having green tea. Lunch a piece of pizza. Dinner a veggie burger. Das it:)

I am so exhausted and DAMN am I ready to lose weight. Y'all better be ready too:)

Goodnight, sleep tight, and don't let the binge bite!

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