Chapter 2

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It's been a few days since I have met Syrus, he was kind and seemed like the type that couldn't hurt a fly. Of course, I couldn't help but feel something was ... a bit off. Like he was keeping a secret or something. But other than that, Syrus was good, those stories everyone keeps telling acted as if monsters were ... well ... evil. 

Without Syrus, I would have never learned my name, age, or even my wound on my head healed. I also would have never had the chance to try his amazing spaghetti ... which wasn't all that great. To be honest his hotdogs were much better. 

There was one rules however, to never cross the stream. I never understood why, but I followed that rule ... for now. 

I walked along the cave, looking around with a bored expression. I've seen every part of the cavern, and explored every crevice but there was nothing. I could leave, but ... I rather stay here, besides where would I go? Back to the forest where those coyotes were waiting? No thanks. 

I walked over to the stream, looking across the cave, curiosity taking over my boredom. "Ugh! Just cross it already." I jump at the voice, whirling around to see a boy with short hair, pale skin with rosy cheeks, red eyes, and was wearing a yellow sweater with green stripes. He was floating, he also looked slightly see-threw. His red eyes glimmered with unamusement, "You've been going back and forth between the wall, then to the stream." 

"I-I'm sorry who are you?" I question, raising a brow. 

The boy rolled his eyes, "Cacey, now stop asking questions and c'mon." The boy floated across, before stopping half way, turning to look at me, crossing his arms. "C'mon, it's not like that bonehead is coming back anytime soon." 

I let out a sigh, before jumping across the stream, curiosity getting the best of me as I followed the ghost boy. "So ... are you a monster?" I asked, looking up at the boy with interest. 

"Why do you wanna know?" The boy questioned, giving me a cold look.

I shrug, giving the boy a nervous smile, "I'm just curious is all." I continue following him deeper into the caver before coming across a large hole. 

Curious I walk up to the edge, peeking down into the hole. Before I could recognize anything, I felt someone shove me from behind, causing me to loose my balance, I turn around, trying to grab something, but all I grabbed was air. The last thing I saw was Cacey, looking down at me with a crazed grin. 

Then my whole world went B L A C K


I blink open my eyes, looking up to see a small hole up top. I groan, my muscles screaming out in protest as I sit up, rubbing the back of my head. I look around, surprised I was dead, to see small white flowers. 

I stand up, stretching out my muscles, before dusting myself off. I walk out of the patch of flowers, stepping down onto the stone floor. I examine the wall, hoping to find a way out, only to see the walls were completely smooth. 

I let out a sigh, before turning around seeing the stone path leading through an opening of the cavern. I follow it, walking into another room which was dimly lit by lanterns, broken down, light purple, pillar structures which were on each corner of the room. In the middle of the room laid a single white large flower which almost reached up to my knees. 

I freeze in shock as the flower turns around revealing a face with a friendly smile, it almost looked cute ... almost. "Howdy!" The flower spoke cheerfully, a bright smile on her face. "My name is Daisy! Daisy the flower!" She continued cheerfully. "You're new to the underground aren't cha?" The flower questioned with a wink, causing me to nod slowly, still slightly confused. "Someone ought to teach you how things work down here! I guess little old me will have to do."

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