Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

“Jessell,” Ridec yelled and raced forward into Jessell’s outstretched arms.  “If it wasn’t for the fact that I could hear your thoughts telling me everything was fine I would have gone crazy.  What were they doing to you?”

“Nothing, they wanted to introduce me to the leaders,” Jessell explained.

“They showed me to a lab, it has everything,” Ridec said.

“And Pete?”

“They let him stay with me but I was really worried about you.”

“I know you were.”  Jessell pressed her lips against Ridec’s.  “I’m fine.”

“There’s something about this place I don’t like.”

“It’s a little clinical but it seems pretty okay.”

“What about the cleans?”  Ridec asked.

“What cleans?”

“Kent kept saying they were trying to build this place so they could start a new civilization for cleans but I haven’t seen any cleans since I’ve been here.”

“You were in a lab,” Jessell reminded him while pressing her lips against his.

“I guess,” Ridec admitted encircling Jessell as she pressed her lips against his cheek this time.

“Come on, they gave us a place to stay, I told them I wouldn’t be staying anyplace without you.”

“This place is really impressive,” Ridec muttered allowing Jessell to take his hand and lead him away.  “What about Pete?”

“They said he can have a room next to ours,” Jessell explained.  “They were a little worried that he was an unclean at first but I convinced them that we’re a package deal.”

“Should I go and get him?”  Ridec asked.

Jessell stopped and turned around to face Ridec with a huge grin on her face.

“Really?  You want to bring a kid to our room now?”

“I figured he’d be a little nervous in the lab by himself.  We’re still kind of finding our way around here,” Ridec explained.

“A few more minutes won’t hurt him.”  Jessell’s arms encircled Ridec’s neck and she pulled his face down towards her.  “This is probably the best alone time we’re ever going to get.”

Ridec felt his heart flutter at the implication.  Was Jessell really willing to seal their union in this place?

“You’re sure?”  He asked.

“You don’t see Tetlo around here do you?”  Jessell asked and Ridec grimaced.

“You know I want to be with you, more than anything else in the world,” Ridec said.  “I’m just not sure if we’re comfortable with this place…”

“We’re comfortable with each other,” Jessell cut in.  “I love you.”

‘I love you too, more than life itself,” Ridec said pulling Jessell closer to him and pressing his lips against hers.  He wanted so desperately to be with her but there just seemed something so wrong around them.

“Come on.”

Jessell pulled away and hurried forward and Ridec followed.

“What were the leaders like?”  Ridec asked.

“You’ll get to meet them soon enough,” Jessell said stumbling forward.

“Are you okay?”  Ridec gripped Jessell’s arm and dragged her to a halt.

“I’m fine. I’ve never felt better and I want you.”

“Look at me,” Ridec said firmly tugging Jessell about to stare into her eyes.  Something wasn’t right, her pupils were dilated.  “Did you eat something?”  Ridec asked.

Jessell lifted her hand and ran it through Ridec’s long blonde hair.

“I could eat you,” she said and then swayed forward.

“I think you’ve been drugged.”  Ridec slipped a hand beneath Jessell’s knee and hoisted her into his arms.  “I’m taking you back to the lab.  I need to know what they’ve done to you.”

He could feel the blood pumping in his veins at an increased rate.  If they had done anything to hurt Jessell zombies would be the least of their problems.

“Where are you taking me my handsome man?”  Jessell asked.

“I’m taking you to the lab to lie down,” Ridec said shuffling forward faster.  Was she getting more disoriented?

“That’s all I wanted my sweet,” Jessell whispered pressing her face against Ridec’s chest.  “I just wanted to lie with you.”

“Don’t worry my love,” Ridec said.  “Whatever they did to you I’ll fix it.”

Jessell didn’t answer and Ridec glanced down, her eyes were closed and she was unconscious.

“Don’t let her die,” Ridec muttered to himself.  “Please, please don’t let her die.”

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