Chapter 22

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We get our bags from baggage claim. Jay holds my hand and I can't help but smile. I take off the hoodie leaving me in a tank top. I see a few guys whistle at me. Jay lets go of my hand and walks over to them.

"Jay." I say.

"What you think my girl is a dog?" He says.

"No, her tits are nice though." One of the guys say and other elbows him.

"You want to see what my fist looks like smashing into your nose?" Jay growls. I grab his hand and pull him away.

"We haven't been here five minutes and your already wanting to break some dudes nose?" I say.

"Sorry." He says.

"We're not in Manchester anymore Cowboy." I say. Have a mentioned how hot Jay's Country accent is?

"Cowboy?" He says. "I think your a cowgirl since your always ridin' my horse." I slap his arm and He laughs. We walk out of the airport and rent a car. I sit in the back with Nolan.

"How did you like having your tongue down that girls throat the whole time?" Jay asks Alex.

"Dude she was hot!" Alex says. Nolan looks at me and laughs.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." He says.

"Tell me!" I say and laugh.

"While you were watching TV was talking about maybe going to a 21 and under club. And I said so you can get Jordan to fuck you in a bathroom. He said-." Jay cuts him off.

"Will you shut the fuck up!?" He yells.

"You want me to ride you in my nurse costume?" I whisper in his ear and pull on it with my teeth. Jay gets a boner.

"I um." he says and blushes. I lean back and Nolan is laughing. Since we don't have a lot of money we get a one bedroom with two beds. I'm so tired. I lay the bed and yawn. I curl into and ball and Jay rubs my tight. Nolan takes a shower and Alex is just in boxers flipping through channels. It's 2 am here. I take off my tank top and jeans then craw under the blankets. Jay takes off his shirt and I grab it. I smell it and smile. I love his scent. He takes off his jeans and lays next to me.

"You get to sleep with half naked Jordan and I get to sleep with Half naked Nolan. Great." Alex says. I throw a pillow at him. Nolan walks out of the bathroom smiling looking at his phone.

"Texting Lauren?" Jay asks.

"No, I broke up with her she's to much sex." He says and lays down.

"Same reason I broke up with her." Jay says putting his arm around me. "And because of Jordan."

"I'm going to sleep so you can guy talk." I say and lay down. I close my eyes and the guys talk. Jay draws circles on my back and I smile. I turn around and unhook my bra. Jay takes off his boxers. He takes off my underwear and pulls me to his chest. My dad is trying to FaceTime me. I grab my phone and sit up covering my chest.

"Hey dad." I say.

"Having fun?" He asks.

"Yup." I say and smile.

"Your not sleeping with any of the guys right?" He asks.

"Nope." I say and smile. Dad doesn't know me and Jay are dating still.

"Good because-." he says and the door opens. Dad is standing there. Well everything is ruined now.

"Dad?!" I yell. Jay jumps out of the bed and rubs his neck.

"It's not what it looks like." Jay says putting his hands up. Alex and Nolan look at us.

"Were you about to have sex with my daughter?" He says seeing my bra and underwear on the ground.

"No sir." Jay says putting his boxers back on.

"You lied to me?" Dad asks me.

"I'm not "sleeping" with any of them! Jay is my best friend!" I say. "We always sleep that way. Your just never home!"

"I will drag you out of here and make you move to a different school." He says to me.

"Over my dead body!" Jay says to him.

"Jay stop." I say. Dad stands there.

"I knew I couldn't trust you. What are you pregnant too?" Dad asks me.

"Because of your stupid ex wife I can't." I say. He's silent.

"How long have you been dating?" He asks us.

"3 months." I say. Jay hands me his shirt. I take it and put it on. I stand up and walk over to Dad. "Why can't you trust me? You barely know Jay, you hardly know me."

"It wasn't my choice Sweetie." He says.

"I'm glad you were gone. I've met my best friends ever. Jay won't hurt me. Just give him a chance. Your still my favorite man." He looks at Jay. Jay stands awkwardly.

"I'll give him a chance." Dad says. "Have fun." He walks out.

"Well, that was interesting." Nolan says after shutting the door.

High school girl {Book two}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora