Chapter 25

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"You go to dinner and bring back a kid? Normal Jordan Luck!" Alex says. The guys talk to her and I learn she isn't into girly things, and likes sports. My kid alright.

"I make good choices!" Jay says to me and laughs.

"When did you guys met?" Rose asks us.

"At football tryouts. Jordan was around your age I was just a few months older." Jay say.

"We were best friends until 3 months ago when we started dating."

"So your not married?" She asks.

"No." I say. Rose sleeps at the end of our bed and I cuddle with Jay. He takes his shirt off then kisses me. I smile. I fall asleep in his arms.

The next day Jay and I fill out paper work for rose and she gets everything from her room. Now her and Nolan are really close now. I take a picture of Rose.

I'm a mom now! (:

I get a lot of


I call dad and tell him.

"Can I talk to her?" He asks. I hand Rose the phone and they talk for a good 10 minutes. Rose brings down all her stuff and its all in 4 suitcases. We take them to the car and Rose says goodbye. We get in the car and Rose is really happy. Jay holds my hand. When we get on the plane I let Rose sit near the window.

"I can't believe this is happening!" Rose says looking at me and Jay. She plays on my phone and I catch up on my Red band. That show has taken over my life. I'm so glad She doesn't need a car seat! She's going to be tall like me. We put all of the suitcases in the bed of Jay's truck and get in.

"So what does my room look like?" Rose asks. I look at Jay.

"I kinda need to make it." He says and rubs his neck. We go pick up Coco and Rose mets Jay's mom and Michael. When we get home Jay talks to Tim.

"Is there any two bedrooms?" Jay asks.

"Yes and it costs the same!" He says. That day we do a lot a moving. Luckily it was on the same floor. Rose decorates her room as we move everything it the new apartment.

I lay on the bed once we are done. Everything looks the same it jus has another room.

"I'm so tired." Jay says and lays next to me.

"Me too." I say. Rose is still making her room up. Me and Jay fall asleep.

The next day Jay helps Rose with her room as I go put her into school. She has the same teacher I had! I have her last name be Connors. Rose Ann Connors. Has a nice ring to it. When I get home Rose is playing with Coco.

"Grr!" She says and the puppy jumps on her. She laughs. I can't get over the fact that she's my kid now.

"Had fun?" I ask Jay who is still in her room which looks really nice.

"Yeah." He say catching his breath.

"Ross has your last name." I say and smile. He almost starts crying. He picks me up by my hips and spins me around. Jay kisses me and I kiss him back.

"Ew!" I head Rose say. I break the kiss and look at the door. Maybe not the perfect stop to be.

"I'm going to say the same thing when you get a boyfriend!" I say.

"Boys are gross." She says and holds her nose. Jay fakes looking hurt.

"Not you daddy!" She says and giggles. Jay squeals.

"What the?" I say and look at him.

"Shut up." He says. He picks Rose and flys her around the room. She's going to have the life I never had.

High school girl {Book two}Where stories live. Discover now