4. Incident after incident

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The next day I went on a cleaning spree. I couldn't stand it when my cats made a mess of my house. Once I finished dusting, I took a look at the clock and it read 3:46pm.

"Huh, I should probably go get ready for my date with that weirdo." I sighed while setting down the duster. I walk out of my small living room and into my room, then opened up my closet doors. I felt someone soft rub up against my ankle, so I looked down to see my cat, Mochi, looking up at me. She meowed and I smiled.

"Good morning baby!" I cooed. I bent down to pet her and her head met my hand. I smiled while I scratched her small kitty head before getting back up and pulled on an outfit. I went with a look that described who I was. I didn't want to be someone I wasn't.

I went with short jean shorts, a Van Gogh shirt, and white vans that had a few paint stains on them. I bid goodbye to my cats before leaving my apartment complex, then walked down the stairs. I checked the time on my phone and it read 4:15. I sighed and began walking towards the train station. On my way there, I passed a construction site. I groaned at the loud noise and stuck some earbuds in my ears. But, someone caught my attention.

It was a boy with half red hair, and white white hair sitting on his phone. I felt my face heat up, and I kept walking while staring at him. He looked up at me and my eyes widened, and weirdly enough, so did his. He quickly stood up and yelled something I couldn't hear due to my loud music. He came running towards me, and I looked up to see some debris from the building they were making coming my way.

My eyes widened, and I prepared for my life to end. I couldn't believe my life was going to end when I was getting so close to my dream. I lost all hope and closed my eyes. That was, until I felt someone grab my waist and pull me harshly. I heard a loud crash over my music and I opened my eyes to see the debris now broken into pieces on the ground. I grabbed my chest and breathed in and out. I turned around to see the same half haired boy out of breath behind me. I took out my earbuds, and words did not work for my mouth, yet again.

"You should really watch where you are going. If I were too late, you could've died." He said coldly. My heart melted at the sound of his voice. I looked at his face and noticed a large scar over his left eye.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience. But, thank you so much sir! Can I please get your name?" I asked. He was silent before answering.

"Todoroki Shoto." He replied coldly. Wow, even his name was hot.

"Mr. Todoroki, please let me repay you. Is there anything I can do?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No. Now please, I have to get back to work." He said before walking away.

"Alright.. Playing hard to get I see?" I said quietly to myself.

"Excuse me?" He said while turning around. I blushed and covered my mouth.

"U-Uhm! Nothing! I gotta get going." I smiled awkwardly before running off to the train station. Once I reached the station, I scanned my Luff card and ran inside. I looked around for my stop and I finally found it. I began to bolt towards the train, for I saw it arriving. But unfortunately my luck had run out. As I got closer to the train, there was a man with messy green hair talking to people and handing out what looked like to be newspapers.

"HEY LOOK OUT!" I yelled to him. He turned to me and his emerald green eyes widened. I screamed as I ran into him, and he fell down on to the ground and groaned. What made this situation even worse was that his papers were now everywhere, and everyone was looking at us.

I groaned and rubbed my head as I got up. I looked down at the man who was trying to collect his newspapers.

"Hey!" I said while holding out my hand with a crooked smile on my face. He looked at me and my face heated up. What was up with running into such pretty boys today?

"Let me help you up and collect your papers. I'm sorry about running into you, I was in a rush, but I'll probably end up being late." I chuckled. His face turned tomato red and he grabbed my hand. I pulled him up with ease and he fixed his hair.

"S-Sorry for getting into your way!" He squeaked. Aww this guy was absolutely adorable!

"Oh no! Please, I ran into you. I hope you can forgive me." I said while letting go of his hand.

"Well of course I will forgive you ...?" He said trailing off, hoping for me to finish the sentence with my name.

"L/N Y/N." I smiled. His eyes widened and he dropped his papers.

"You're the L/N Y/N?! I have so many questions! Can I write about you in my paper?" He beamed. I grew really flustered and my face heated up.

"Y-Yeah! I'd love to!" I smiled. He continued to smile and look at me until he snapped back into reality.

"Oh my! Where are my manners?! I'm Midoriya Izuku. Nice to meet you Miss L/N!" Midoriya smiled.

"It was nice to meet you Midoriya, but I'm actually in a hurry. I'll have to chat with you later!" I said before running off to the new train arriving at the station.


Whoa hello I hope u enjoyed. I'm honestly having too much fun writing this book uwu. I hope you're liking it so far
-Noah unedited òwó
1020 words

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