We herd ourselves out of the house and I see 6 blacked out Jaguar F-Paces lined up outside. The same car that I was captured in. I followed Luca to the car he was gonna ride in since I didn't feel like making small talk with the dads of the mafia. Before I could step my foot into Luca's ride, a hand grabs my arm tight. I whip my head back and see Mauro is pulling me back. 

"Oh no. You are riding with me. You're my best fighter, so you get to ride with the boss." He demands even though it doesn't really seem like I have a choice since he's dragging me by my arm.

We walk up to a yellow Hennessy Venom GT. Holy shit. That is like one of the fastest cars in the world and I'm about to ride in it. If only it wasn't with the worst person in the world. 

"Get in

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"Get in." He barks at me as he opens the door for me.

"Wow, such a gentleman." I snide back. I hate how demanding he is. There is never a choice with him, it's either you do as he says or you die. I've only seen him kill one person cause they wouldn't listen to him, but I heard other stories. I heard thats how he got the Beneveti Mafia in the first place. He killed his father to gain his roll. That's heartless. 

He gets in the speed demon and starts the engine. It roars and all I could do was smile. I loved cars, especially fast cars. My father was a mechanic, he taught me a lot about cars and how to drive them. I wish my father was here to see what I was riding in, he would shit himself. 

"You like the car?" Mauro looks at me with a blank look on his face. 

"Like? This is a Hennessy Venom GT, one of the fastest cars in the world. I can feel the engine in my heart. It would be an understatement to say that I even love this car. I worship this car." I gush about his fast vehicle. 

"Maybe on our way home you could drive it." He turns forward to pull out of the long gravel driveway. 

I think my heart just stopped. I think I'm dead. "D-drive it??" I scream with excitement. "This is a piece of art. I don't know if I'm worthy." I say stroking the dashboard. 

We are going 150 MPH down an abandoned road already and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. 

"It'll be ok. I think you'll be able to manage it." He says gripping the steering wheel tight. 

I look out the window and see all of the there cars we are with go by us. We just passed 6 cars in a matter of seconds. I think I'm in love...with this car!

It only took Mauro and I 10 minutes to get to the safe spot when everyone else it took 30 minutes. I guess we sit and wait for 20 minutes in silence. 

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Mauro asks pulling me out of my thoughts. I guess we won't sit in silence.

"I've been training since I was 5." I say simply looking at the trees beside us. 

"I never thought a girl would beat my best fighter." He states. Is he trying to offend me?

"Okay?" I almost ask in a question. I think I'm just gonna ignore the misogynistic comment. 

"I mean I don't have a problem with it." He quickly adds. Is he okay? "I just never thought it would happen." He looks out of the window scratching his neck. 

"Can you fight?" I ask trying to escape this unbaringly awkward silence. 

"Um. Not like you, but I can hold my own. I'm more interested in guns and knives." He says pulling out a 9mm Glock 43. 

"I recall from my fight a couple weeks ago." I say remembering him holding a knife to my throat. 

It's silent again. 

"So." I state. "Mia seems nice." I don't even know what I'm saying now. 

"Oh. Yeah, she hates you." He says smiling at me. What the fuck? Why would he say something like that? I mean I knew she hated me but why does he have to say it. 

"Yeah I figured. How did you two meet?" I ask ignoring his ignorance. 

"Her father was friends with my father." He says with an emotion on his face I've never seen before.

"And she's okay with the whole mafia thing for the rest of her life?" I say making hand gestures about 'the whole mafia thing'.

"What?" I seemed to catch him by surprise. "It's not like that. I don't want to actually marry her. She is just the only girl I've really ever known besides my mother and sisters." He explains looking at the steering wheel. Interesting, he has sisters. 

"Where are your sisters?" I ask quickly, hoping they're around here because I need another girl around me besides the queefburger he considers a girlfriend. 

"Oh they're in Italy at the main home." He says nonchalantly. 

"Oh." I say very disappointed. I'm starting to see head lights in the distance. Thank god, they're pulling me out of this awkward conversation before it could get too awkward. 

"You seem disappointed." He says looking at me. 

"I mean yeah. I kind of want a girl to talk to and your fuckwit of a girlfriend sucks." I say thinking of the friends I had back home. 

"Yeah, she isn't really pleasant if I'm going to be honest." He admits to me, which surprises the hell out of me. "I actually think you and my sisters would get a long really well." 

Well damn, giving me false hope here dude. 

The cars pull up quick and I'm just about to start seeing the sun rise in the distance. 

"Okay. You ready for your first bust?" Mauro says making my heart jump out of my chest. 

"As ready as I'll ever be." I half smiled at him as we get out of the fast car we've been sitting in. 

We lead the pact of men to this ginormous warehouse. I look over at Mauro and see he has his gun ready to shoot. As soon as we were in site all I could hear were gunshots in the distance.

I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be. 


A/N: Two chapters in one day!  Thank you for reading! I'm currently sick from my boyfriend so this is what I'm focusing my energy on lol.

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