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We found Kurien trapped behind the big boulder we had seen earlier. It took all of Shailza's, Bhuvi's and mine muscular force along with a strong wave of wind to push that boulder.

Kurien was on the floor, lifeless.

"Oh no no no NO NO!" I shouted and ran towards Kurien and started shaking hin.

"Wha- Oh Vansh thank god you came." Kurien said weakly.

After eating 4 tin cans, 3 apples and drinking a canteen full of water he was up on his feet.
We took that poor guy Ronnil too.
And I flew everyone up.


We got out of the volcano pretty soon (thanks to my awesome power) and went off like we came, on wind horses. But Shailza had other problems.

"Hey there are only three and we are four!" She complained.

"Yes I know that, but they are not on sale and that's the maximum I can get. Why don't you and Bhuvi go on one horse?" I said.

Both Bhuvi and Shailza threw a murderous glare at me.

"Or maybe not. Kurien yo..."

"No! I am taking this man with me!" Kurien said breathlessly.

"See, let me arrange this, I ride alone, Kurien rides with this R-man and Vansh and Bhuvi." Shailza said.

"Hey what 'bout me?" Anshu said.

"Zeus' pants this burning my brain!" Kurien said.

The final plan decided was this-

1. Shailza and Ronnil.

2. Kurien and Anshu.

3. Bhuvi and me.

So after admitting Ronnil in a nearby hospital, we were on our way to camp.


When we reached camp, everyone came out of their cabins and left all their works to assemble in the arena as we descended down on our horses and started cheering and clapping for us.
I saw everyone, even Mr. D there except Utkrisht.

We were warmly welcomed and Mr. D too forgave us for sneaking out of the camp when we told our story, with Shailza adding her own bits.

We were given the honours to pour the Gorgon's blood on Ryana's tree. It started healing fast, it's roots and more than half of the trunk that had turned purple started turning back to normal, new leaves began to come out from the withered branches.

In total, everything had gone well. So after a hearty meal, Mr. D rose up to address the gathering.

"These fellas did good job of bringing gorgon's blood," He said curtly, but I knew that is the maximum amount of praise he can give.

"Qnd now,the important matter, you might have noticed that our camp's activity director, Utkrisht is absent. The reason being is that the gods didn't find him good enough, so he got deported. So please welcome our new camp's activity director, Ms. Lucy."

A beautiful cloud nymph, who was floating, yes floating 4-5 inches above the ground came towards the table while Mr. D sat down and popped a can of Diet Coke.

"Well, hello people. My name is Lucy and I am an immortal cloud nymph who used to work at the West wind god, Zephyr and I am your knew camp's activity director."

Vansh Kaushik and the Return of the Gorgon SistersWhere stories live. Discover now