1. luff

400 23 16

It was a crowded day in Hosu, Japan. I raced down the streets, pushing past people, and excusing myself after I did so. I was losing my breath every millisecond I ran. Thankfully, it all paid off because I reached the train right on time. I sighed and slumped down into a dirty seat.

"Oi, Y/N! Why are you all out of breath?" a familiar voice called out. I turned around and saw a worker at the near by coffee shop ask.

"I'm on my way to the Education Abroad office! I'm hoping for a scholarship to a school in America!" I beamed. The woman chuckled and shook her head.

"You and those art schools. Why don't you just stay here in Hosu? You know practically everyone here! Why do ya wanna leave us so badly?" she cried. I laughed and shook my head.

"You know I like to go adventuring. It's in my blood." I smiled.

"ARRIVED AT STOP 16. PREPARE TO GET UP IF THIS IS YOUR STOP." the intercom of the train spoke. I exhaled, and got up from the filthy seat.

"I got this." I said to myself.

"You got this Y/N! Go get em'!" the woman called as I walked out of the train. I smiled and ran towards the office.


I sat in the chair nervously as the woman scanned through my application.

"So I see you finished your application?"

I jumped in my chair and nodded.

"Y-yes ma'am!"

"So art huh! I thought that was just something kids used to graduate then chose something else! I didn't think anyone from Hosu would want to be an artist! You're quite different Ms. L/N!"

My expression dropped once she finished talking. Did she just insult my hobby..? I know plenty of artists in Hosu! Tch, weirdo.

"Haha.. Yeah! I'm told that, a lot." I awkwardly grind.

"Anyways! The University you want to attend can be your sponsor, but I need your Luff number."

Right, Luff numbers. 'Luff' was this company designed to find your soulmate. I honestly thought it was dumb.

"I have my parents Luff number right here." I smiled while pulling out the piece of paper where I wrote down their number.

"It says here you're 22, how come you don't have your own Luff number?" she asked.

"I-I've been very busy, if i want to get into that art school, I gotta be arting constantly.. You know?" I chuckled.

"O-oh! And I have a 4.0 GPA! Shouldn't that help? You saw that right?" I said while growing nervous.

"Yes, but your GPA does not mean a thing without a Luff number. So the University cannot help you until you're registered."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the woman.

"W-What?! How does Luff have to do with this?! I worked hard for this!"

"Luff is incorporated into everything nowadays Ms. L/N. The Luff number will determine how well of a scholarship you will get.

I was silent and I sighed.

"Weeeeeelll, Ms. L/N, it was great to talk with you but if you want to continue you need to get registered at Luff." She said while leading me towards the door.

"U-Uhm.. O-Okay."

"You should go get your Luff number soon. I expect a big future for you! Heres an information card! Have a nice day!" she said before pushing me out of her office and into the hallway.

I was about to ask her one more thing, that was until she slammed her glass door on my face. I groaned and stormed out of the office.


"AND SHE JUST SHUT THE DOOR ON MY FACE NOAH! RIGHT ON MY FACE!" I yelled. Noah chuckled then began to shush me.

"Y/N, you're gonna get us kicked out you dweeb." Noah teased.

"I'm sorry, I'm just angry that everything now revolves around this bullshit system." I said while pulling out the information card the lady gave me.

"Hey, c'mon, not everything revolves around Luff!" Noah said trying to lighten the mood. That was until the waiter came up to us and asked for his Luff number to pay for our food. I gave him a look and he sighed.

"Okay, okay. It kinda is, but its not that bad!" Noah smiled.

"Pfft. Easy for you to say. You got a great match." I muttered.

"Ohhh.. I see what it is.. You're afraid to get a bad match, am I wrong?" Noah asked. I groaned. Its like Noah could read my mind or something.

"Maybe.." I whispered. Noah chuckled and shook his head. He grabbed my hands and looked at me in my eyes.

"Hey, no matter what number you get, I'm sure you'll be fine. You're parents Luff number is super high, remember? You'll be just fine." Noah said as he softly smiled. I sighed and nodded.

"I guess you're right, I'll go get my Luff number.. But ONLY for art." I declared. Noah chuckled and smiled.

"Good luck, Y/N!" Noah said as I walked out of the coffee shop. I motioned a taxi to where I was. Once i hopped in he asked me where to.

"The nearest Luff office." i answered. The man nodded and began to drive. I looked out the window and studied all of the different advertisements there were for Luff. House loans, car loans, insurance, etc. The cab stopped and I got out of the car.

"Thank you sir." I said while handing him a twenty dollar bill. He nodded then drove off. I turned towards the building and looked up at the massive skyscraper.

"Let's hope I get a good match." I said before I entered the building.


I hope you're enjoying my new book! This is a Todobakudeku x Reader so I hope you like harems.
Anyways, I hope i didnt bore you out too much this chapter. I promise the boys will be here later on
1000 words

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