A girl about fifteen and Robin stand in the doorway. "Hi, love doves."

The girl looks at me, "Do you want me to re-do your makeup?" She looks like she understands what I have been doing, but she doesn't ask. I simply nod at her. The girl reapplies my makeup and the fake smiles are back out.

"C'mon, Mr. and Mrs. White." Robin joked, "The party is starting! WOOP! WOOP!" He began running down the hall in a goofy manner. It actually made it less harder to smile.

Charlie holds my hand tight and I do the same. When we enter the ballroom filled with hundreds of guests, their cheers bounce off the walls. The loudness is mute compared to the sound of my heartbeat ringing in my ears.

The rest of the night is filled with food, dancing, and kisses. I didn't eat, neither did Charlie. We didn't have an appetite at all, but all the guests ate all the gourmet dishes. We danced until our feet ached. Charlie and I shared a plethora of kisses.

When nobody was looking, he would glance at me with a serious expression on his face. It would break my heart even more than it was.


Now, Charlie and I just finished settling in a little beach cottage. For our honeymoon, we are in a place that was once called Hawaii when the United States of America was still living. I slipped out of my wedding dress as soon as we arrived. Now, I am wearing a comfy, long T-shirt that covers my shorts.

I sit by a glass door that leads me to a wooden deck on the sand. Charlie cracked the door to let fresh air in. The calming noise of the waves soothes me, especially since I have finally stopped crying. Charlie and I are all cried out.

The last ray of sunlight creeps into the ocean as the stars peek through the dark blanket of sky. It is a beautiful place. There is a lot of tropical plants and flowers along with a stunning beach. I hear Charlie washing his face in the bedroom.

I sip on a cup of cocoa. It's not hot, but it is calms me.

This day has been a nightmare and it has drained every ounce of my energy from me. My eyes flick back to look out he window, but the sunlight is gone, leaving nothing but darkness. A sigh escapes my lips as I feel arms wrap around me. Charlie pulls me to sit in between his legs with my back to him. Slowly, I lean back into him, exhausted.

There is a moment of silence as we both look out the window. Then, I break it, "What is going to happen, Charlie?"

"I really don't know."

After those words, we don't talk about what is going to happen in the future or what has happened today. We lay down beside each other on the hard floor, and we talk about regular things like anyone would on a normal day. We embrace each other, holding each other in our arms. We need each other at this moment because we are the only people on this earth who understand what we are going through.

My eyes begin to become droopy and my body relaxes. Charlie is half-asleep, but he is still talking and playing with a strand of my hair. Finally, we both fall into a deep sleep where we can imagine and dream that we weren't ever forced into this marriage. Our dreams set us free.

I am going to be with Charlie for the rest of my life. I am going to be princess. I am going to help provide and guide a country. I am a Royal, now.

I am simply a forced Royal...


Agh, I teared up while writing this! It is sad to think that Forced Royal is almost over. This story has been a thrill to write, and this story is what got me noticed on Wattpad. Thank you to everyone!

Also, please check out @balletflats21 and her stories along with @fadedflowers.

Also, this is my first draft of Forced Royal and even though I am not going to have time to edit it, I was wondering if I should enter Forced Royal into the Wattys as a Newcomer once I am finished. Should I?

In addition, DO Y'ALL WANNA SEE A SNEAK PEAK OF WHAT MY NEXT PROJECT MAY BE?! It may not be my total next project, but I am considering on it and I have been working on it. If people comment and say they want to check it out, I will post the Blurb. It isn't Fantasy, but I have another project that is Fantasy that I may decide to do. I am very indecisive on what I want to write after this. I have four ideas and I love them all but I CAN'T DECIDE AGH!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chappie and I love every single one of you. :) You peeps are AWESOME! GOLLYWOBBLES! YOU GUY GOT SOME FOR REAL SWEGG! ;)

AGH I am getting emotional! lol, I am going to save that gushy stuff for the Thank You's at the end of this book! :')


P.S.- I hope you like the photo attached to this I created it myself. Also, check the one I made that I added to "The Moment We've Been Waiting For".

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