"That's what Uther wanted to talk about on his deathbed?"

"He needed to explain himself, I suppose."

Gaius shook his head. "I don't think Arthur was ready to hear the truth. Then again, better a deathbed confession from his father before he's ready than an explanation from me when it's too late."

"I still think he needs to talk about it. And somehow I feel like he's not going to let me in in this particular case."

"You may be right, dear boy. But now, I must prepare the king's body. Off to bed with you, Arthur will need you more than ever in the coming days."

And off Merlin went, to Arthur's chambers, curling up in Arthur's bed, where Arthur lay, asleep. There were still tear tracks on his face. Merlin stroked Arthur's cheek, carded his fingers through Arthur's hair, and murmured lovingly until he himself succumbed to the darkness, arms still wrapped around Arthur's body.

When Arthur's manservant, still Merek—Morgana thought it was hilarious that the manservant he'd kept the longest besides Merlin was the one who'd needed to serve Arthur and Merlin when they were cursed—entered the bedchamber in the morning, he almost dropped the tray carrying the prince—well, king's—breakfast.

Not only was Arthur not alone in bed, but if he wasn't mistaken, the man in bed with him died a year ago, burnt to a crisp on the pyre for all to see. Merek had never really believed the charges Merlin was accused of, Merlin was always so nice to everyone. And even a servant who'd never really interacted with the two of them could see that the affection between them was genuine.

And Merek didn't know much about magic, but he doubted that even a powerful sorcerer could have planted fake memories, made the prince fall in love with them, and made the magic the prince performed real enough to be believable. It seemed a bit much for someone who appeared as simple as Merlin.

He'd been sad when Merlin was burnt. But he did his job. Even so, he'd noticed that the prince, the Lady Morgana, her maidservant, and Sir Leon often acted very secretive, and there were times that he was expressly forbidden from entering the prince's chambers. And for all that the prince had taken Merlin with him every time he left the castle, when the four of them left, Prince Arthur insisted that Guinevere would suffice to serve them.

It was odd, to say the least. But he never gossiped about it. Whatever the reason for it, it wasn't for him to know. That was obvious. But now, it appeared that the reason was sleeping in the king's bed.

It all made more sense now. Why he was prohibited from ever entering the servant's antechamber, why he would sometimes see a hooded figure following them in the shadows, Arthur's "increased appetite", why Arthur had never mourned his servant, all those trips into the forest he wasn't allowed to serve Arthur on, everything.

Merlin had never really died. And Arthur had never been enchanted, he had just pretended so that his lover would be safe. Unless Arthur had been enchanted the whole time...no, Merlin wasn't evil, and he would've had a long time to get rid of the king and claim the throne. He'd just come out of hiding because the king was dying.

Merek had come in yesterday, only to be shooed away by Lady Morgana and Guinevere, who were both asleep in chairs. He hadn't seen the prince. Merek now realized that he had likely been in the antechamber where Merlin must have been staying.

It was several minutes before Merek realized that he'd just been standing there with the tray in his hands. He set that down, but he wasn't sure if the new king would particularly like him waking him while he was in such an intimate position, especially seeing that the other man was supposed to be dead and an evil sorcerer. Maybe he could get Guinevere and explain the situation, he was certain she knew about Merlin...

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