Martha sighed" what if you are wrong? What if she was calmed down because she is about to die?"

The doctor looked at her" I have seen what death looks like and she doesn't look like that yet." 

The Duke nodded" I sure hope for everyone and my son's sake she pulls through, we will keep them in our prayer's."

The doctor nodded " I know, when she wakes up if she wakes up, she still could have lasting affects from the fall."

John Campton shook his head" not my Holly, she will come through this we have to keep believing that a miracle will happen."

Everyone was starting to smile right along with the doctor, maybe a miracle was going to be in the form of love. Lindsay walked in to see everyone smiling, she stared at them. " Is Holly doing better?"

Her mother filled her in and she was so happy at the thought that she may pull through this after all. William was going to be the happiest man alive if she survived. There was something on everyone's faces now, hope.


William had fell asleep sitting in the chair holding Holly's hand. He awoke when he heard birds singing outside. He wanted to tell them that there was no reason to sing, but he didn't want to let go of her hand. The house keeper came in to check on her condition, she got excited " Doctor!" 

William sat up and looked at Holly, she was sweating. He was worried that something was wrong, she was sweating pools of moisture. The doctor came running in and started to examine her, he then started to laugh. William was about to shout at him to stop laughing, but the doctor explained" her fever has broke!"

William looked at him" is that a good thing then?"

The doctor nodded" yes, you see when someone has a fever they don't sweat. That's why it's so dangerous and it can cause death if it doesn't break. When the body starts to sweat like she is, that my boy is a good sign."

William knew that was a good thing, he watched as they wiped her forehead with a cool cloth. William looked at Holly to see if she had awaken at all. Her eyes were still closed, but she had some color in her cheeks. William looked at the doctor " Why hasn't she awaken yet?"

The doctor sobered up " she may never open her eyes, we have to keep praying and hoping that there was no permanent damage done when she fell."

William felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water over his head. She may never open her eyes? She was to be in this state for the rest of her life? No, she couldn't do that he needed her. The other's in the room left him alone with her. He heard everyone's joy at the news about her fever breaking. Then he heard the no's when the doctor explained that there could be some damage from the fall that could prevent her from waking up .

The Duke's LadyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora