獮 - Sen - Autumn Hunt

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Training with Keirai is just a repeat of what you went through yesterday, he just makes you fight him for the first two hours. It always ends up the same way, you barely touch him. He smacks you down to the ground with his bokuto. Tells you to not complain and get up. Get up! You need to get the fuck up.

You get up without any complaint, limbs hurting, stomach aching and soul broken. Only to be beaten down.


And again.

"Stomach. Under your chin. Your eye need to be faster. You need to be faster." Keirai barks, his height towering over you like a thick wall you need to overcome. There's no trace of the kind and gentle man you knew before. The crinkles around his eyes do not appear this time, "Your defense is weak. You're weak."

He stares you down from above and you can see the glint in his eyes, almost like a sneer.

Something erupts from the middle of your solar plexus, something hot. Searing a blackened path on it's way out from your chest. Blood pumping. Heart and soul pouring out from the gaping chasm in your chest.

"Get up." 

Molten lava burns in your veins as you push yourself up with shaky arms. Sweat drips down your brow, down the ridges of your . You don't even think you can hold up Shisui's tanto proper anymore. How fast does he want you to go? You're already fast. How many times must he beat you, humiliate you like some lowly mutt until he's satisfied?

You're not weak! You're not.

"Stand up," Shisui whispers in your ear something stern but soft. Just like all those times before. Just like the time before goodbye, "I taught you better. You can do this."

The metal chain underneath your collar shifts and you can feel the cold glass pressing the shape of a small fan into your skin.


Your legs scream for bloody release as you slowly lift yourself from the floor, wearing your patches and bruises like a fucking medal. You bend your body into position as you angle your blade horizontally in front of you, ignoring the caustic pain corroding at your muscles and close the gap between Keirai and you.

Leaving a trail of dirt clouds behind you that has a split second lag as you feel yourself go faster than you've ever had before.

For a split second, you see a hint of the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes as your vision starts to blur into greens, browns and beige from the world whooshing past you.


The one hour you spend in the massive fuinjutsu library makes up for the amount of times you got beaten down to the ground. Tens of thousands of scrolls dedicated to every single variation of seals that has been copyrighted and trademarked in Konoha. Every. Single. Variation. This makes the excruciating pain you go through everyday worth it.

Seals to keep intangible things corporeal.

Seals to keep chakra emissions into your desired shape.

Seems like there were plans to patent the designs for chakra swords but the idea was scrapped since the submitted formula required a constant, streamlined emission which is a huge drain to an average shinobi's chakra reserves. What would help is if they added a repeater to cycle the chakra that's already been emitted so you only need to provide chakra once. When you're in charge- ahem, when Naruto's in charge, you're definitely going to push for this to go through.

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