Muddy Water Is Once Again Translucent

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"I see, thank you Sesshomaru. I suppose that's one mystery solved. I have so many things that I want to ask you, and that is why I asked you here today." I tell him with a sigh.

He wanted to make sure that I was safe when I traded with Nuwa for Naraku's life, it shows how much he cared for me...and loved me. I smile at the thought.

"Then ask away, there are a lot of mysteries in this world that deserves some answers." He replies gently.

The purpose of this meeting is here, and I want to know the things that I don't know. As I recall, what happened right after I lost my memories, I can't seem to remember and no one told me. I just remember waking up a few days later.

"Can you tell me what happened after I stepped into the pond? Because I can't remember anything after I closed my eyes." I ask him.

Sesshomaru inhales and exhales deeply, his amber eyes glistening under the sunlight.

"You gave up your memories for Naraku and you fell into a state of unconsciousness, Nuwa noticed my presence and asked me to carry you out of the pond." Sesshomaru tells me.

"Was that all? Also, about the bracelet, why did you have it?" I ask him remembering.

"No, she and I talked about some things." Sesshomaru replies.

"Such as?" I push him.

"Stubborn and persistent like always." Sesshomaru says furrowing his brows.

I let out a chuckle at his remark.

"It's who I am, you should know that by now." I say with a smile.

"Nuwa asked me if I loved anyone, since she is the mother goddess she could sense these things. She knew that I had feelings for someone, even if I didn't tell her who. She asked if it was you, I was surprised but admitted that it was." Sesshomaru goes on.

"I see. But why did she give the bracelet to you and not to anyone else or Naraku?" I ask him confused.

"It was in her words, a trial. Because she knows that I hold feelings for you aside from Naraku, she wanted the trial to be for both you and I, to see if we will make the right choices. She told me that somewhere deep down inside your heart, you held the tiniest splinter of affection for me. Whether it was love or not, it did not matter. Because of that bit of affection that you held for me and my love for you, Nuwa gave me the bracelet to hold. She trusted me that I will make the right choices to help you regain your memories and make you realize who you truly love, and only when you realize who you truly love that I can give you the bracelet and thus activate the spell placed on it. She told me that love isn't about what you want, it's about what the person that you love wants. I knew that you weren't mine because you were Naraku's, but my selfishness told me to keep you and to love you. I couldn't love you when you loved Naraku, it was only when you lost your memory that I was able to tell you how I felt. But in the end, your heart chose the right path, and it was Naraku. I was happy to be able to love you and be loved back even if it was fleeting, but I knew that Nuwa believed in me, and I knew that the real you wouldn't want that either. I then pushed aside my selfishness and made you see who you truly belonged with." Sesshomaru finally says quietly.

Now, I understand everything, it seems like a dark cloud that hung over my head has finally dispersed and I have nothing to be curious or worried about anymore. It may seem like Sesshomaru charmed me into loving him, and to be honest, if I was willingly to try and start a relationship with him then, it must really mean that I held him with some special affection. But now I know that I only loved and cared for him as someone very dear to me. He only cared for me, he didn't hurt me, he may have taken advantage of my amnesia, but how could I blame him? He just wanted the person he loved to love him back, who wouldn't want that? I wished that Naraku loved me like I loved him back then. He really loved me, Sesshomaru really loved me a lot. I feel that ache in my heart, he did so much for me and in the end I couldn't give him the one thing that he wished for. I'm grateful that he let go of his desire and focused on what I wanted, I could never thank him enough. I feel my eyes becoming slightly watery and my nose becoming clogged at bit, but I hold back my tears. I walk up to him, Sesshomaru glances at me and he turns his body to face me. Without a word, I put my arms around his strong torso and I rest my head against his chest as I hug him. I can feel the warmth from his body, his soft kimono feels so soothing and comforting. I close my eyes as I take in this precious moment, then I feel Sesshomaru's left hand come up and rests gently on top of my head.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن