Intertwined Passion

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Our breathing hitches slightly as we continue to kiss. I slide myself off of Naraku's lap and I kneel beside him, my arms unravel themselves from around his neck and comes in front of his strong chest. I break the kiss, my lips feeling slightly puffy from the contact with his. I look back at him, his red eyes opens to find mine.

"I want to lose myself tonight with you. To pull myself away from reality and just lose myself in you." I say to Naraku.

"Then lose yourself, I'll be here to hold you when you need something to ground yourself." Naraku replies with a gentle smile.

I smile in response, I then turn my attention to his kimono. I take off his purple silk vest, he slides it off of his shoulders and onto the soft futon, the rustling of the fabrics fills the room. I then put my fingers on the knots that holds his kimono close, I feel my cheeks heating up and my heartbeat racing. We've made love before, but the feeling will never change no matter how many times. I think it's because, the driving force is not lust, it's pure love. I believe that when you make love with someone with love as the main driving force, the heart will always make it seem like it's the first time, and I find that beautiful. I untie the knots and as I get to the last one, Naraku's hands holds my face in his palms. He lifts my head to look at him, the warm candle light makes him look stunning.

"Your face feels hot, I can feel your heartbeat racing. Are you nervous?" He asks me.

"I don't know if you can call this nervous but yes, my heart is beating fast, in a good way because I love you." I say with a soft smile.

"Just breathe, Everything will be alright, I'm here to hold you when you need it." Naraku assures me.

I nod, I know he'll be there when I need to hold onto myself before I fall into a dream tonight, I return to the last knot and untie it. I then open up his kimono, his broad strong chest reflects the candle light in the dimly lit room. I slide the kimono off of his shoulders, and they pool around him on the futon. Naraku then lifts his hand up and starts to untie my obi, his arm muscles tenses with each movement. He unravels the obi and puts it beside us on the wooden floor board, he then starts to untie my kimono knots. His movement smooth and agile, no hesitation evident, I watch his flawless face focusing on shedding my attire. His movement isn't rushed, he's calm and controlled. When he finishes untying the knots, he doesn't open my kimono, he takes hold of the collars and gently slide it off my shoulders. My bare skin comes in contact with the room temperature air, and slight goosebumps rises on my skin. I look back at Naraku, his chest rising and falling in a controlled rhythm. His eyes softly looking at me, I smile at him. Naraku then opens his arms to welcome me into his embrace.

"Let me embrace you tonight____________." Naraku quietly says.

I nod in response, I then lean into Naraku's arms and I hug him. His lips finds mine again, and our tongues dances with each other. Naraku pulls me onto his lap, he then turns us and then lowers me gently onto the cool futon, the silk fabric brushes against my back sending a shiver through my spine. My head touches the pillow as I rest my body onto the futon beneath me, our tongues still connected in this intimate kiss. Naraku looms over me, his hair brushing my chest and arms. I can hear his bottom attire rustle as he removes them, one of his hand gently spread my legs open and he rests himself between them. I can feel him at my entrance, I break the kiss, our tongues losing each other's heat. I breath heavily from the lack of oxygen. I open my eyes, having that fuzzy vision again. I look back up at Naraku, I'm caged underneath him, his wavy black hair falling beside him like a cape.

"Are you ready?" He asks me.

"I am." I reply back to him.

"Tell me if you need to stop." Naraku tells me as he touches my face.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now