Gateway To An Awakening

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Another 3 hours goes by, and finally, the sun is high in the morning sky and people are out and about now. I don't have much to take with me, except for one thing. I look at the wooden table in the middle of the room, I walk over to it and kneel down, I pick up the delicate beauty that's lying on the smooth wood. I touch the velvet petals of the single cherry blossom flower that Naraku gave me, it's still pink but slightly losing its beauty. I sigh and tuck it inside my kimono next to my heart, I then head to the big hut to meet up with the others. After a few minutes, I finally arrive outside of the hut. I can smell the nice aromas of a warm breakfast, I head inside after lifting up the curtains. I see Sango, Kagome, and Lady Kaede already up, it also seems as if Kagome and Sango are all prepared. Sango has changed out of her daily kimono and has changed into something more breathable and adjustable, her hair is in a ponytail. Kagome is still in her Priestess attire but I can see her bow and arrows against the wall. They are all helping Lady Kaede with breakfast.

"Morning." I greet them with a bow.

"Morning__________, are you prepared?" Sango asks me.

"Yes I am, Where is Inuyasha and Miroku?" I ask them.

"They are preparing the horse and telling the local priests that they will have to take over the exorcism job while we're gone. They are also trying to find an idea on how to take Naraku along with us" Kagome replies setting food on the table.

I help them out, and help Lady Kaede cook extra food for the trip.

"I see, well, I met up with Sesshomaru earlier, and he said that A-Un can carry Naraku on his back and fly in the sky. He said that way it won't cause extra disturbance to the body." I tell them with a smile.

"Oh? When did you meet up with Sesshomaru?" Kagome asks me.

"Well,I woke up quite early today, maybe around 5-6? I couldn't fall back asleep again so I went out for a stroll at the flower field, and I happen to meet Sesshomaru and we watched the sunrise together. I told him about what has been bothering me and he said that he will come along and that way A-Un can carry Naraku on its back." I reply to her.

"Seems like you and Sesshomaru are pretty close despite him injuring you that time." Sango says.

I smile and I use my left hand and glide it across my silk kimono, just along my abdomen area on where the scar runs across.

"Yea, we have come to an understanding for one another, he's just as important to me as are all of you. I'm grateful to all of you." I say with a smile.

They all smile at me, they are my family, my second family.

"Since Sesshomaru says that A-Un can carry Naraku, then I suppose this dilemma is over. I'll go get Inuyasha and Miroku so that we can have breakfast, that way you can all set off." Lady Kaede says while exiting the hut.

Kagome, Sango, and I finish setting up breakfast and packing up the day's worth of food. A few minutes later, Lady Kaede is back with Rin, Shippo, the kids, Inuyasha, and Miroku. I greet them all and we all sit down and start eating breakfast.

"I heard that Sesshomaru will accompanying us and A-Un will be carrying Naraku's body?" Miroku asks me.

"Yes, he will meet up with us before we depart." I answer him.

"Ugh, why is he butting into our business?" Inuyasha groans.

"I don't know, but I'm grateful that he is. I hope that this trip will be a peaceful one between you and him." I say to Inuyasha with a pleading smile.

Kagome gently nudges Inuyasha on the arm, his ears twitches then flops down. We finish eating breakfast, Miroku goes to retrieve the horses, Inuyasha has gone to carry Naraku's body out from the shrine. Kagome, Sango, and I head to the entrance of the village with some necessities in our hands ready to tie them to the horses. Lady Kaede, Rin, Shippo, and the children all accompanies us to the exit. A few minutes of waiting, Inuyasha, Miroku, and the horses comes up to us. I slightly gasp as I see Inuyasha carrying Naraku's lifeless body on his back, his face looks so pale. His once sleek and black hair has lost its shine and started to become dull and frizzy, it's hard to think that he is a demon seeing him in this state. Inuyasha comes up to me and I walk up to the side of Inuyasha and I touch Naraku's face gently, his skin is cold as I peer into his motionless face. His long eyelashes doesn't flutter when I touch his face, and the reality of him being deceased for days suddenly hits me. I then gently give his cold hand dangling over Inuyasha's shoulder a squeeze.

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