Chapter 9

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It's a Hard Life

Freddie's P.O.V
I arrived to the hospital with Brian about 10 minutes after the lady told me to go. Brian called the band through his cellphone and they said they were on their way. The only thing I'm worried about is Cristina. I hope she's fine...

"Fred, it's going to be okay, I promise." Brian said trying to make me more calm, but my nerves were taking over. If anything happens to Cristina in long term, I don't know what I will do, or how much my life will change. I'm feeling terrified and nervous.

"Freddie, don't think about the worst that could happen, we haven't even seen her yet. Maybe she just broke her arm or something. Just.... don't overthink because you'll just stress yourself and that won't help. You need to stay strong, Freddie"

"Thank you, Brian." I said back so quietly, I doubt he heard me.

I opened the hospital doors and went to the front desk.

"May I help you, sir?" The secretary asked.

"I'm here to see Cristina."

"She's in room 209 at the moment, I think she's going into surgery in about an hour. Maybe you want to talk to her doctor about what happened."

"Okay, thank you." I responded and ran through the hospital hallways.

Brian and I made our way into room 209. I had the door in front of me, it was closed. I don't know if I was ready to open it, maybe something terrible happened...

I stood in front of the door for about a minute or two until Brian said,
"Freddie, we have to go in. Open the door."

I slowly nodded, and opened the white door. I walked into the room, and Cristina was there with a couple nurses and doctors.
When I saw her I gasped.

Her condition was worse than I thought. She was terribly bleeding and completely unconscious. I rapidly made my way to her bed and looked at her.

"Is she breathing?" I asked the doctor with an alarmed voice.

"Barely, but she is. May I ask who you are to Cristina?"

"I'm her boyfriend and the boy behind me is my friend."

"Oh okay."

"How is she?" I asked concerned.

"She has a few broken ribs, her left side of the body is more injured than the right. Her left arm and leg are badly broken, and the back side of the head is seriously wounded. The front part of her body had broken glass all over the place..."
the doctor continued talking and Brian could see in my face that I was terribly scared.

Tears were coming out of my eyes, and my heart was beating tremendously fast. Brian came closer to me and hugged me. He was also crying.

"How are you going to treat her?" Brian asked the doctor.

"She's going into surgery in a few minutes, we're going to try and get the glass out of her body and clean the blood. We might do stitches in her arm and leg, but that won't happen until she's clean. I need you to sign some paperwork in order for her to be allowed to go into surgery." he said seriously.

"I'll sign the paperwork." I responded back but wondered how Cristina got so injured. I was so lost in everything that was going on at the moment, that I forgot to ask how everything happened.

"Doctor!" I yelled while he was walking out of the room, "what happened to her, anyways?"

He explained to me everything, but things didn't add up.

"Why would Cristina be driving through train rails while a train was about to pass by?" I wondered, "Was she... committing suicide?" I said aloud.

That thought completely broke me into pieces. "Am I guilty of this?" I kept talking aloud... but didn't notice.

"It wasn't your fault. Didn't seem like suicide either. People that were present at the moment say Cristina was following somebody. The person went through the train rails safely, but she didn't."

"Who was it?" I asked

"We don't know yet, we're going to figure that out, though."

I went closer to Cristina and sat next to her bed. Even though she couldn't hear me, I whispered to her, "You'll be fine, darling. I promise. And afterwards, we'll have our happy ending."

"Cristina needs to go into surgery now." The doctor informed me.

I nodded.

I realized that I had the ring in my pocket, I pulled it out, and put it on Cristina's finger.
"See you in a couple hours, my dear" I whispered.

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