Chapter 6

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It's a hard life

~~ Cristinas P.O.V~~
-10 minutes before Freddie came-

Dear diary,
I was sitting in my bed looking outside the window, when I heard a knock on the door. It must be Paul...

"Coming!" I yelled.
I opened the door and there he was.

"Hi Cristina!! How are you?"

"I'm fine Paul. Let's make this quick. What do you want to talk about?"

"Oh um... I just wanted to tell you personally that I am so sorry for everything that happened between us... I've thought about you every day since the breakup..." he said shyly but smiling.

"Wow," I rolled my eyes, "That's the important thing that you wanted to talk about? You are ridiculous, Paul. I mean, sure, I forgive you, but I'm currently in a relationship as you know, so don't bother me again." I said displeased.

"I bet you are not happy with that fella, whoever he is." He laughed.

"I love him and I'm happy, Paul, and it's not even your business."

"My love, I know you miss me. We can get back together, you know?"

"Paul you have to leave. Now."

"But I don't want to" He said while coming closer to me...

"Paul, come on stop."

He kept coming closer, and closer... and closer. I tried to get away from him, but I couldn't.

I looked up. Freddie was standing there.
I suddenly pushed Paul away from me and said,
"Freddie, I can explain."

"Explain?! Are you serious right now? Cristina, I left for two weeks. Two bloody weeks! And this is what I find when I come back? There's nothing to explain. I can't believe this."

"Freddie, please. Just let me explain..." tears where coming out of my eyes.
Freddie walked closer to Paul.

"And you. I don't want to see you ever again. Leave this house! Now! And never come back. Ever!"

Paul ran as fast as he could and left the house.

"Freddie nothing happened, I promise..."

"Nonsense!! I saw it Cristina. He was trying to kiss you! Now, I just... need some space. So don't contact me."

Freddie left the house.

I fell on the floor and started crying as hard as I had ever cried.
What is going to happen now? How am I going to fix this?

~~ 4 days later ~~

Dear diary,
I haven't left my house in the past days. I heard someone knocking the door.
Who could it be?
I went downstairs and asked,
"Who is it?"

"Cristina, it's John. John Deacon."
I opened the door.

"You don't look good, let's get you some water..." he said. "Now tell me, Cristina. Did you really cheat on Fred?" He said while giving me a cup of cold water. He also seemed calm. But I wasn't calm at all. Tears started to show.

"John, I didn't. I promise! But Freddie wouldn't listen to me! How is he doing?"

"Not good. Haven't seen him much though, he has been locked up in his room playing the piano... he's composing a new song I think..."

"Oh... poor Fred. John, what should I do?" Numerable tears left my eyes.

"Give him time. Maybe write him a letter." John grabbed a tissue and cleaned my face up.

"I might do that.... thank you John."

"Call me if you need anything, Cristina."

"I will."

John left, but not following his advice, I dressed up and drove to Freddie's house. John was right, Freddie was playing the piano... a beautiful song...

"Love of my life... you've hurt me... you've broken my heart..." I could hear Freddie singing.
Listening to him say these words felt like torture. He must be really hurt.
What have I done?

"Freddie it's Cristina, open the door."

"Not today, I told you to avoid contacting me. Cristina, go home."

"Freddie, please." I begged. But he didn't respond. I could only hear the piano and his beautiful, soft voice. It sounded different, though. I could feel the pain he was feeling by only hearing him sing.

Spiteful words can hurt your feelings, but Freddie's silence in a situation like this, broke my heart.
I think I'm going to write him a letter. Whether he wants to believe me or not, I will explain what happened, apologize and tell him I love him.

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