Chapter 5

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It's a hard life

Dear diary,
Paul has been calling me super often. I never responded his calls until today. What did he want to talk about?
I picked the phone up.

"What is it Paul." I said with an annoyed voice not even asking a question.

"Cristina! I'm so glad you picked up, my love. I was wondering if we could meet next week on Wednesday, maybe?" He said.

"Wednesday? Why that day? It's a week away."

"It's the only day I can meet, I'm afraid" he said in a serious voice.

Freddie is coming back that exact day... what will he think?
Well, I'll just not tell him. I'd rather avoid any type of problems in my relationship.

"What do you want to talk about anyways?" I said without accepting nor rejecting on meeting with him that day.

"You'll see there. So... see you on Wednesday? At your house?"
Shit. He wants to come to my house, Freddie might show up...

"Sure..." Is all I said almost in a whisper.

~~ Later that week ~~

Paul and I haven't talked in the past few days.
Freddie and I have had about two short phone calls, but he hasn't told me any details about his trip, neither had I mentioned Paul.
I miss Freddie... I wonder what he is doing right now... probably performing, making people happy...

~~ Wednesday ~~

Dear diary,
Today is the day.
Freddie will be back, and Paul will come to my house.
With my phone ringing early in the morning, I picked it up and didn't pay attention on who was calling.

"Hi, Paul?" I said

"Cristina, who is Paul? This is Freddie." He said rather confused.

"Oh um, no one Freddie. It's just my uncle... he's uh... coming for breakfast today." I said while pretending to laugh.

"Oh okay, my dear." Fred said, but I know he wasn't completely convinced. "Just to inform you I will be back at 3:00pm today. I Love you, and can't wait to see you."

"I love you too, Freddie. Goodbye."
I hung up.

I don't want Paul today in my home! I'll just try to make it quick I guess...

~~ Freddie's P.O.V (Point of View)~~

"Fred! Hurry up! We're going to be late to the airport!!" Yelled Brian while standing outside the hotel room.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

On our way to the airport, I was thankful for my new career as a musician, but thoughtful about Cristina. Was she lying about that Paul guy?

When the band and I boarded the plane, Roger asked what was wrong with me.

"Nothing, Roger." Is all I said back, dryly.

"C'mon Fred, we know you. What is it?" Brian asked gently.

"Yeah, what is it?" Asked Roger and John at the same time.

"There's this odd thing that happened with Cristina... she named some Paul earlier today... do you guys think... she's... cheating?" I said without making eye contact, feeling embarrassed to even bring it up.

"Freddie, she would never do that. You were only gone for two weeks, don't even worry about it." Said John back, smiling.

"Maybe you're right..." I said and stared out the window, while the plane departed.

When we got off the plane, a red Alfa Romeo came to pick us up.

"This car is beautiful!! Don't you think so?" Roger said with a smile.

"Roger, it's a car. Don't get so excited," Brian said back dryly but with a chuckle.
We all got in the car laughing at Brian's comment.

During the car ride, the band and I discussed the tour. It had been a success.
We even wanted to release a new album.

"We could make a song about cars..." proposed Roger with a smirk.

"No one cares about you and your bloody cars, Roger!" Said Brian annoyed while John and I were nodding in agreement.

"Shame on all of you." Is what Roger said back, and ignored us for the rest of the drive.

I told the driver to drop me off at Cristina's house.
I wanted to see her and say hello.
I noticed that we were getting closer to my destination, I could recognize the streets.

While fixing my hair to make sure I looked good, Cristina's house appeared on my sight. There was a strange car parked in the garage... I wonder who's it was.

I got off the car and walked toward the front door.
I could hear Cristina talking to somebody... what was going on?

"You have to leave, now." I could hear her saying.

Rapidly, I opened the door and found Cristina and some fella. I could only see his back, but I saw him attempting to go closer to Cristina. Was he trying to kiss her?
Cristina saw me, standing there with an unpleasant expression in my face. She pushed the guy away from her and said,
"Freddie, I can explain..."

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