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8:06 pm, Friday.

Johanna: Hi. I'm Johanna Barry from your math class.

Olivia: Hello. Is there a particular reason you have texted me?

Johanna: Yes. Can you send me a picture of the math homework?

Olivia: No, I cannot send you a picture of the mathematics homework.

Johanna: Why?

Olivia: Because I've already done it.

Johanna: Oh. But it's Friday!

Johanna: What are you doing this weekend?

Olivia: I did my homework today because I'm busy.

Olivia: Absolutely nothing.

Johanna: Don't you have friends? A social life?

Olivia: I find other people in my "friend circle" a little stupid.

Johanna: But, it's scientifically proven that interacting with friends reduces your tension in life.

Olivia: But, Johanna, what if the tension comes from being with friends?

Johanna: I think you should try, at least. Try, try and you shall succeed.

Olivia: But that goes against my motto. Do or do not, there is no try. Yoda.

Johanna: So why don't you do instead of do not?

Olivia: I told you, the people in my "friend circle" are stupid.

Johanna: Okay, fine. What if I introduce you to the smart lot?

Olivia: No.

Johanna: Why?

Olivia: I think I've already mentioned the fact that I'm busy.

Johanna: I think you've also mentioned the fact that you'll be doing absolutely nothing.

Olivia: Fair enough.

Olivia: Oh, and Johanna – or should I say Atlas – next time you should disguise yourself better.

Olivia: Although the attempt was commendable, I have your number saved.

Olivia: Not to mention, there is no Johanna Barry in our math class.

Atlas: Aw, shucks. You are smart.

Atlas: Just like me 😉.

Atlas: I didn't think you would know anybody from math class. You never interact with anyone.

Atlas: Are you sure you don't want to meet up with the smart lot?

Olivia: Absolutely not. Goodbye and goodnight.

Atlas: Aww... Goodnight.

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