the stars that i stole for you

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The sun just barely hitting the horizon, ducking behind the LA buildings and traffic. It's the grey right before the pinks and oranges and you can feel the air getting chilly just on your balcony so you grab a jacket on your way down. When the crisp nighttime air hits your skin, you yell out to your boyfriend. "What are you doing here? In Brennen's truck?" Your voice carries to the truck and you can't help but laugh.

Colby hits the side of the truck with his hand, the metal of the truck clanking against the metal of his rings. "Get in!" He tells you. You stop outside of the driver's side window, your feet barely hanging off of the curb. Even the slight height advantage from it doesn't bring you face to face with the boy, so you push up on your toes and rest your arms on the open window. Colby leans his head against the headrest and looks over at you, smiling.

"What do you have planned? I thought you were going to hang out with the boys tonight," you ask, tilting your head to the side. You were unprepared for a night out. Your hair in a messy bun, no makeup on your face and you were wearing a ratty pair of shorts but Colby leans forward and kisses you, placing his hand gently on your cheek. You hum against his lips but still give him an expectant look when he pulls away.

"I was with the boys, but then I took Brennen's truck to surprise you," he explains. He grips the steering wheel and hits the heel of his hand against it twice. "Get in," he tells you once again. You roll your eyes and go around the front of the truck, catching Colby eyeing at you through the front window. You half expect him to honk as you pass, but he doesn't. He keeps his eyes on you as you slide into the front seat and lean against the middle console with your elbow. "Ready?" He asks. You rest your chin in the palm of your hand and nod.

"As I'll ever be for whatever it is," you tease. Colby laughs and puts the truck in drive and takes off down your street. You always love to watch him drive. Sometimes, there's just sheer concentration on his face as he weaves in and out of traffic and sometimes, he acts like a goof, dancing and serenading you to his music like they have beautiful lyrics but that's not always the case.

That's how he was tonight. Swaying his head back and forth as he lip synced to a depressing song, smiling at you because he knows you're watching. He starts dodging all your questions about where you were going and what you were doing and should you have changed your clothes? He just shushes you and puts his pointer finger to your lips and you groan, leaning back in your seat as you give up. Only for a moment, though.

You weren't the biggest fan of surprises, but you knew that Colby's were always good so you trust him despite the suspicious behavior. When you lean forward again to start asking more questions, the corner of your eye catches a glimpse of a pile of blankets and pillows in the backseat. "What is that?" You ask, throwing your thumb over your shoulder toward the mess.

"Would you just relax and wait and see?" He asks frustrated, leaning over the middle console at a red light and narrowing his eyes at you. You chew on the inside of your lip and Colby puts his fingers under your chin and gives you a kiss. You smile and kiss him back but you shake your head, pretending to be annoyed at him. Colby turns up the radio and puts his eyes back on the road, so you fully give in and stop asking questions.

A few minutes pass and you're in the middle of nowhere. An actual field right in the middle of nowhere. Tall and wiry grass-grown probably up to your knees surround the truck and by now, the sky is nearly completely black. "We missed the sunset," you say snottily, scrunching your nose up at him when he fake laughs and puts the truck in park.

"It's not about the sunset, it's about the stars," he says a matter of factly. He unbuckles his seatbelt and then yours, leaning back into the backseat to grab some of the blankets and pillows he had stashed. "Help me bring these to the bed of the truck, would you?"

You hesitate, pretending to think about it for a moment. Colby's standing outside of the truck, the grass crunching beneath his feet and he narrows his eyes at you when you don't move. "Fine," you give in with a deep sigh, throwing your arms back and grabbing what you can before getting out of the truck.

Colby hops up on the bed, spreading the blankets out and making a comfy spot to lay down. You stand in the grass, your shins start to itch and you feel like bugs are crawling all over you but Colby reaches his hand down to you and you take it eagerly. He pulls you up to him and opens his arms out, "ta da!"

"Lovely," you say and sit down, getting comfy with the pillows. Colby plops down next to you and you think he's about to start making out with you by the way he leans over your body but his lips miss yours just barely, his breath hitting your ear and making you shiver. He just pulls out an old basket from the corner of the bed and pulls away from you. "What a tease," you grumble.

Colby laughs and sets the basket down between the two of you. "I brought snacks," he says and opens it to show you. Inside is your favorite soda, your favorite candy and chips, and bottles of ice cold water. You smile and your heart aches at the thought of it all, but of course, you still had to tease him.

"So we're meant to just sit here and eat snacks under the stars?" You tease. Colby was a hopeless romantic, whether he admits to it or not and you always enjoyed giving him a hard time for his cheesy romantic ideas despite loving them every time.

"Well maybe we could kiss a little, I dunno," he mumbles, shrugging his shoulders and grabbing a bottle of water from the basket. You belly laugh, throwing your head back which sets of Colby in a fit of laughter and he's on top of you in seconds, his fingers digging into your sides making you laugh more. "You think it's funny?" He asks in between laughs as he tickles you and kisses your exposed neck.

"Stop," you beg, your small hands wrapping around his wrists. You try to push him off but he's too strong for you and his hands don't move but they steady. He's no longer tickling you, his hands are just firmly grasping your waist and his lips steady against your neck and it's no longer giggly, puppy-love, innocent teasing. It's passionate, intense, needy.

You moan when he sucks on the base of your neck and you relax under his touch. "What about those snacks?" You joke. You feel Colby smiling against your soft skin and he nibbles on your earlobe for a brief moment before pulling away from you. He hovers over you and you wrap your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair.

"You'd rather have snacks than kiss me?" He asks, pretending to be offended but he's smiling and tilting his head to the side.

"I'd rather look at the stars and eat snacks, yes." You give him a grin, winking at him right before he places another firm kiss to your lips that makes you melt under him.

He pulls away again and shrugs his shoulders as he goes back to sit down."I guess if that's the case," he trails off and with his hands no longer on your body, you feel cold. You grab his arms and pull him back on top of you and he laughs at your quick, needy movements. "That's what I thought."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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