when the chills seize to matter

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The past few months have been a back and forth game between you and Colby and there didn't seem to be an end in sight. There was no light at the end of the tunnel, no ray of sun just beyond the horizon. It was all dark, all the time until he smiled at you.

That was how he got to you - he smiled at you from across the room after you caught him staring at you for a little too long and he would brush his hands against yours and pretended not to notice or feel that spark that you felt when your nerve endings touched together.

All the subtle hints that could mean absolutely nothing brought you into him, pulled you into his eyes and completely consumed your brain. All the subtle hints that gave light to your life also brought darkness to it when they weren't around.

When he would pretend that he didn't know you were in the house even though he walked through the living room and could have easily seen you but instead, he went back upstairs and didn't say a word to you. When he would find a funny video or picture on twitter and show everyone in the house except for you.

It was hot and cold and you never knew what the day would bring and you had thought about telling your best friend Devyn that you weren't going to come over anymore because he wasn't worth it. The sinking feeling in your gut whenever his eyes glossed over you like you were nothing wasn't worth it but then he would put his hand on your back to squeeze behind you and you'd change your mind.

Just when you had lost all hope, he kissed you. It was in the driveway and you were leaving for the night and Colby had been gone all day with Brennen but just as your luck would have it, he pulled up as you were walking to your car. "Where are you going?" He asked, locking his car door and shoving his keys in the pocket of his hoodie.

You fiddled with your own lanyard, twirling it in between your fingers and then letting it slide through. "I'm gonna head home, it's getting late," you told him. He nodded, slightly parting his lips and then he put all his weight onto one foot.

"It's only 9pm," he joked.

"Yeah, well. I've gotta work and I think Devyn and Corey are gonna hang out alone so," you trailed off, giving him a list of reasons right off the bat so he couldn't give you reasons to stay. He still tried.

"You can still hang out with the rest of the house. We're all friends."

"Yeah, again. I've gotta work," you said. The dance that your fingers were doing with your keys had sped up and then they slipped too fast and right through your fingers and hit the ground. "Shit," you mumbled, bending down to grab them at the same time as Colby and just like in the movies, your heads crashed together and you forgot about the keys and brought your hands to your head, which was pounding.

"Shit, are you okay?" Colby asked, chuckling under his breath. One of his hands was pressed to his own head and the other went to your arm, steadying you.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you shook him off and started to bend down again for your keys, but you stopped halfway. "I will get them," you told him.

He laughed as you did just that and when you came back up, you shoved them in your coat pocket so they wouldn't fall again and avoided his eye contact but his hand was still on your arm. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you want an ice pack or something?" He asked.

"I said I was fine," you snapped. Maybe it was the headache that was coming on or maybe it was just general annoyance with Colby and his games but he didn't seem to take it very personally.

He put his hand on the side of your neck and his palm was warm but not sweaty and his thumb traced your jawline. He took a step closer to you that made you want to take a step backward but you didn't. You let him get closer to you as his thumb was leaving fireworks on your skin. "What are you doing?" You asked.

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