what keeps you up at night

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You were in love. It was real and raw and it happened at midnight. It happened in the stillness, the darkness, as the bird chirps signifying that the morning was on it's way. It happened when the rest of the world was asleep and even though it happened in the wee hours of the morning, Colby wanted to scream it out every hour of the day.

It started with a tweet about sunsets that turned into flirtatious comments about maybe you would like to see one with him one night that turned into a comment about maybe you should see a sunrise instead since you both always seemed to be up during those hours.

You were lonely since moving to L.A. You thought it would be better for your career, but it only took a few weeks in for you to realize that you didn't have the same kind of friends in the area that you did at home - the kind that would stay up with you super late and become delirious with the lack of sleep. You realized that being in a new city all alone was scary and sad. You would scroll through Twitter and Instagram for hours on end, reading the same posts over and over again. The only person you ever saw active during the witching hours was one person: Colby Brock. And that was how it started; just someone to talk to when everything was quiet except your own mind.

It only took a week of flirting via direct message for him to ask you to see a real sunrise with him. You had seen his videos, of course, so when you pulled up to an abandoned building you weren't very surprised. The idea of murder briefly crossed your mind and it was even more prominent when there was a violent knock on your car window that made you jump out of your own skin. You could hear the familiar chuckle just outside the window. You had heard the chuckle so many times before in his videos and when he would ask to video chat at midnight.

The first time he asked you, you agreed but hesitantly. You were laying in bed, your hair in a bun with no make-up on and you started to panic when he sent: ok, 1 min.

You threw on as much concealer and mascara as you could in the one minute it took him to ring your phone and you ran around your room like a chicken, checking the mirror every three seconds to make sure you looked good enough and you turned on a lamp and turned off the main light so that you didn't look washed out with the horrible yellow lighting and then practiced on snapchat how to hold the camera so you got the best angle.

In the end, it didn't really matter because talking to each other came so easily to you that you didn't care how you looked because you were laughing and happy and he was laughing and was happy. That night, you fell asleep replaying that laugh over and over again your head so when you heard it outside your window, you knew it was Colby and rolled it down. "You scared me," you admitted.

He chuckled again, sticking his head into the window. "I'm sorry," he smirked, "you gonna come inside?"

"Why? So you can murder me? I asked for a sunrise, not my last one," you teased. Colby smiled and opened your car door, holding his hand out for you to take it. It was the first time you were touching him and your heart was racing but when your hand was in his, you calmed down.

"Come on, it's never patrolled, so we'll be safe. I'll keep you safe," he said, helping you out of your car and closing the door behind you. The door to the building was busted off and the windows were boarded up. The weeds growing out of the cracks in the cement were too long and the trees were overgrown and it definitely has been abandoned for a long time. "Ready?" He asked, nodding towards the building. You nodded and Colby flicked on his flashlight, leading the way inside the building.

There was graffiti all over the walls, broken wooden posts all over the floor, glass cracking under your shoes. It was quiet besides that and an eerie feeling overwhelmed you as you walked and Colby told you about how empty this place always was but it had the best view of the skyline and when you said you wanted to see the sunrise, he knew he had to bring you here.

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