better days

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Your heart was heavy and the sadness that you were feeling had completely overwhelmed you. You tried watching TV to distract you, listen to music, read a book, but nothing was working and your brain was spinning so you decided to call Colby - the only person that could really make you feel better during times like these.

The phone trilled only twice before his tired voice picked up. "I'm sorry, were you asleep?" You asked, lowering your voice. You were perched on your bed, the pillows fluffed and stacked behind you. You were sitting on top of your covers, the only thing under them were your feet.

"Yeah, but it's okay. What's up?" Colby said. You could tell he was sleeping because his voice was raspy and you heard faint, vauge shuffling on the other line.

"I just am feeling sad and I wanted to talk," you told him.

"Why are you sad?"

"I dunno," you mumbled. Colby let out a soft chuckle on the other line and there was some more rustling and you didn't know if he was moving around in bed or getting out of it but you imagined in your head that he was laying similar to you in his own bed, bare chest and his hair a mess.

"Okay," he said, "well what do you want to talk about?"

"What are you guys doing today?" You asked him. Colby knew that when you got in moods like these, where you were unusually upset for seemingly no reason, all you really needed was to get your mind off of it and he wasn't your boyfriend but he still knew you better than maybe anyone else.

"I don't know. I was sleeping," he teased. You were silent and Colby sighed on the other line. "I can see what the roommates are up to if you want," he offered.

"Yeah, maybe."

"Or," he started, his voice perking up a little bit.


"Or, you could come over regardless of what the roommates are doing and come spend time with me," he said. "Alone."

The roommates were quickly becoming like a second family to you and sometimes you forgot that Colby was the reason you were there in the first place and get lost in spending time with them. Colby loved it, though. He loved that you got along with his friends so well and you fit right in but then sometimes, he'd tug on your sleeve and give you a pouty look that meant he wanted cuddles upstairs in his bed.

"Oh," you shot.


"Yeah, I can do that," you said, picking at the hole in your black jeans that exposed your knee.

"You sound less than enthusiastic about that. I'm sure the guys are doing something fun downstairs and we can join them if you really want," he offered, hearing the hesitation in your voice and you couldn't really explain why you were hesitant. Maybe the sadness today was just so overwhelming that even the best thing in the world felt like a chore.

"No, I want to. I'll be there soon," you told him. You bid your goodbyes over the phone and you headed over to the house. You could hear people talking and laughing inside and you let yourself in without even knocking.

"Who is that!" You heard Corey yell from the living room and you shut the door behind you, closing it firm enough so that it didn't swing open again.

"Just me," you called back and kicked off your shoes just as Corey, Jake and Sam rounded the corner into the foyer to greet you. You smiled up at them, dropping your purse by the door.

"Colby didn't mention you were coming over," Sam said, holding his arms out for you. You stepped into them and his hug gave you a sense of warmth that you needed.

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