the date

493 12 15

--Ukraine's pov--

I see Canada walk in all dressed up, he looks good in formal wear. I myself am in a mint green spring dress, light makeup on.

He talks to the greeter and she points to the table where i'm sitting at. I wave, he waves back, bows and gives me a bouquet of roses.

I giggled, "wow thank you."

"No problem!" Canada smiled but then suddenly turned nervous as he pulled something out of his pocket.

"Oh! Umm" it looked like a piece of paper, "Vos yeux brillent comme des diamants polis à la lumière-"

"Let me see that!" I read the message and wasn't really at all surprised. "Your mom arranged this for us huh?"


"Wanna go do something else?"

Canada smiled and we left.

As we left I noticed a woman looking at us. She quickly turned back to her menu thought. I couldn't help the feeling of seeing her before.

After some discussion we decided on attending a concert conveniently near here. After of course changing in to some more comfortable clothing.

"Heard that Twenty One Pilots are going to be there."

"Oh? I love their songs!"

I beamed at our change of plans.

~~Time Skip~~

We jumped along with other people and countries there, pumping our fists in the air, Shouting the lyrics.

I was having the time of my life, then I looked up at Canada.

He had on a wide, toothy grin and that just made my night even better.


The hype died down as the band walked off stage yelling their byes as they left. The adrenaline rush still present.

We stumbled into a clothing stand and looked at all of their merchan-
dise. Deciding on a yellow t-shirt and a poster.

At the check out desk the cashier wore a name tag, Lucifer "Ryu" Nloy.

She clearly didn't like interacting with the customers, especially with the Karens but she did her job regardless.

We walked out with our bags in one hand, holding the other's in another.

We walked to my house, slipping past my siblings and into my room. It was already pretty late so we just went to bed cuddled in each other's arms.


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