I Spy

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It was the tapping of his shoe that first caught my attention but then it was his energy that kept me engaged.

Rain pouring down outside I was stuck at the library trying to escape the hell that was home once again.

But this time I wasn't alone at my usual corner table.

He had plopped down diagonal from me soon after I had arrived and made himself comfortable.

Book bag thrown on the table, the contents leaked across the table slowly invading my space. Not that I minded.

I was curious.

Compared to my plain looks he was a rockstar.

Shaggy black hair that almost hid his intense clouded grey eyes. A silver lip ring reflected the overhead lights and I was drawn to his pouty lips.

Realizing I'd been staring too long I glanced down at what he was working on. Large hands held a pencil to what looked to be his art journal.

When he continued to sit still and not draw I risked another glance at his face. He had his head leaned to the right slightly and was staring over my shoulder.

When he saw me looking he gave a half smirk and nodded his head towards whatever he was looking at.

Embarrassed that I had been caught, but thrilled to be let in on a secret I glanced over my shoulder to peek at whatever he gestured to.

There only a few feet from me with his back toward us was a balding middle aged man. Hunched forward it was no use in trying to hide the growing erection in his pants. The porn on the screen was obvious enough.

A small giggle escaped my mouth and I whipped my head around hoping he hadn't heard. My own look of horror made the mystery guy across from me start laughing himself.

I knew I had to hide somewhere before the full laughter damn burst and I bolted to the back bookcases.

Lip ring guy followed still holding back laughter himself and we leaned against the books holding our sides.

Once we could manage words without giggles I had to ask,

"Who goes to the public library and does that?!"

Peering through the books we saw the man now had pulled out his cock and was trying to discreetly rub himself.

The boy's voice was low and quiet, even for a library.

"Same reason we're watching him. We like it."

My face was hot as I glanced over at him and saw that he was breathing heavy.

I didn't know him but we had both sought this beautiful quiet place out and found ourselves together.

Taking a deep breath I inched closer to him.

My hips lightly brushed his leg and my body tingled. Reaching up with both hands I barley touched the books that hide of my face, continuing to watch the man pleasure himself.

Matching my movements, he pushed our bodies harder into each other and our fingers almost touched.

I moan caught in my throat when I felt his left foot take my right and slowly slide my legs apart. Deliberately taking his time I ached with desire when he finally felt my legs were wide enough and stopped.

Breathing hard I wonder what's coming next when I feel the weight of his body behind me as he pressed it against mine. He smells faintly of soap and peppermint gum and I wouldn't expect that. I thought something like cigarettes and diesel, not soft and comforting like my older brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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