Prologue - James

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I lay barely awake, reluctant to get out of bed. I snatch my phone up from my bedside table to see that it is already 11 A.M. It's the last day of the summer holidays so I figured I'd let myself sleep in. I put down the phone, stare at the ceiling and let my mind wander to wherever it pleases.

I'm not surprised at who the first person I think about is. Guy. Guy is my best friend, he has been ever since he moved here three years ago. He's been in Australia for six weeks of the holidays, and I haven't spoken to him since he left.

His brother, Spencer, insisted on him leaving his phone behind to remove any distractions. It makes sense, but I still wish I could get to talk to him. I suppose I'll get to tomorrow.

It's not just that the fact that he isn't around that makes him spring to my mind. I happen to think of him quite often. I try not to. But I can't help it. I can't help the way I feel about him. I've felt this way ever since that first day we met.

I was sitting with Amelia, Mason, Lola and Tessa at a picnic table. Our usual spot. I began eating when I noticed someone sitting at a table alone, not far from ours. The person looked up, and seemed to look right at me.

It was a boy. He had messy dark hair, piercing brown eyes, and an overall bad-boy aesthetic. And of course me, the nerd of the school, had to fall for him. It was just like in the movies and books, that nervous feeling. The butterflies in the stomach. The ridiculous cliche.

"Who are you eyeing?" asked Amelia.

"What?" I exclaimed, tearing my gaze away from the boy.

"I was only teasing," she said, with a grin on her face.


Amelia looked over to where I had directed my gaze and immediately spotted the boy, "He's on his own, you should ask him to come sit with us."

"I don't know..." I was scared that if I attempted to talk to him no words would come out.

"You should go," said Tessa, "The more the merrier, right?"

"Yeah James, stop being a baby," added Mason, jokingly.

"Okay, okay, I'll go," I said as I stood up from my seat.

I walked over to where the boy was sitting, took a deep breath and tapped his shoulder to gain his attention.

He turned around and smiled at me. It frustrated me how cute his smile was.

"Hey," he said.


"What are you doing over here?"

"Oh. I just saw you were sitting alone, I thought you might want to sit with us," I said, gesturing to my friends.

His smile grew wider and I could see a genuine look of gratitude on his face, "Yeah that would be great. I'm Guy, by the way."

He extended his hand for me to shake and a blush crawled up my cheeks as I took it, the nerves and butterflies becoming more intense.

"I'm James."

After that he came and sat with us, and has ever since. He and I bonded pretty quickly once I learnt how to talk to him without completely freaking out. Now I'm proud to call him my best friend.

Sometimes I do worry that he'll figure out how I feel about him, however.

Guy and I were sitting on his couch, having just finished watching a movie. I was bright red, not because of Guy this time, but because of the events of the movie that I would prefer not to discuss.

Guy looked at me with a serious expression on his face, "You know James, it seems to me like you might have a crush on me."

I immediately got defensive, "Shut up."

He burst into laughter at my remark and I felt a wave of relief rush over me as it occurred to me that he had only been joking.

Since then Guy hasn't said anything to me about crushes except those of his own, all of which typically become his girlfriend within a week. So I think I'm in the clear on that one.

I have considered telling him how I feel, but I don't think I ever could. I'm not even sure if he's into boys, and I doubt he's into me nonetheless. I'd hate to make our friendship awkward. So I suppose that everything will have to stay the same.

Maybe the feelings I have for him will go away. Considering how long it's be already though, I doubt that will happen.

I'm just looking forward to having him back. Our friend group has been a mess lately. Lola has been off with her boyfriend all summer, seemingly avoiding us at all costs. And just yesterday Mason and Amelia broke up.

I just know that things will be awkward at school tomorrow, if Mason even bothers to hang around us. He often leaves for a bit while he and Amelia are broken up. This has happened too many times now to count. I can only hope that the return of Guy will help save this group.

Suddenly I hear my dad call out to me, "James! Get up, I need your help."

I groan as I roll out of bed onto the floor.

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