"What are you doing?" I ask him, seeing his prepare to stick her. He said she just had bronchitis and that she'd get better with pills.

"I wrote down that she has down sort of disease and died before I could administer medicine."

"W-wait, Why? No, you said she was going to be fine."

"No, she has a disease. It's been going around from the poor living conditions and enclosed areas they are kept in. I tried to hydrate her before I gave her medicine, but she died before I could," he reiterates the lie.

"Y-you're just going to..." I say, not able to fathom that the facility doctor is about to euthanize her.

"Are you going to take her home?" He asks me incredulously.

"No, but what does..." I say, suddenly understanding his rational. I had it to, but just didn't have the juts to do it. "So... you're just going to put down that she died..." I say a knot twisting in my stomach.

"I already have a submissive. I can't take another," he says to me and I see the confliction in his about this choice.

"She might have a good life after she heals," I say hopefully, not wanting to watch him euthanize the unconscious girl. "Maybe someone will want her after she's been bred— or maybe—"

The doctor keeps his lips pursed, us both knowing that is never going to happen. No one is going to want a crippled breeder.

I stand beside the table and watch as the doctor swabs her arm with something. "She won't even feel a thing," He says reassuringly, for him or me, I'm not sure.

He grabs her arm and positions the needle. Right as he's about to push the needle into her arm though, she stirs. Her eyes flutter open and he freezes, the needle hovering above her skin.

I take a step back in surprise, my eyes averting from hers in guilt. She looks around the room hazily and the doctor drops down, so his face is in front of hers.

"Hazel," He says softly. "Hazel, can you hear me?" He sets the needle aside.

She whimpers, but nods, a cough fighting its way out of her. Her body jolts and she wheezes. He helps her sit up and holds a glass of water to her lips.

She sways, barely able to sit up on her own. The doctor holds her in a sitting position, carefully helping her drink a cup of water.

Hazel's hands shake as she tries to take the glass. The doctor doesn't let go of the glass, but he doesn't reprimand her for trying to take the water.

Her pale skin and cracked lips tell us both she is sickly and severely dehydrated. "Slow, Hazel," he coaxes softly.

She doesn't listen, but he doesn't chaste her. She chokes from trying to inhale the water and he pulls the water away, patting her back gently to help her get it up.

She sputters and then wheezes again as she coughs. I take a step back, not wanting to get sick. "You'll be fine, Axel," He says in slight annoyance, seeing me back away. "You were vaccinated at a young age, so you never got sick like this," he says, allowing Hazel to slump against him.

Her head lulls to the side and she pants, trying to get enough oxygen in. She fights to breath, her hands going to her throat as if she is chocking.

The doctor immediately lays her down and rushes to get something. He sticks her with a different syringe and whispers to her softly that she alright and just needs to sleep.

I think for a moment that's its the needle from earlier and that she won't wake up, but then I remember he got a different one.

"I thought you were putting her down," I say in confusion as he rushes around to heal the unconscious Hazel again.

"I'm trying to ease her suffering. I don't want her to be in pain anymore. I'm going to give her some anesthetics before I do it," he tells me with a deeper frown.

I pace around the small room feeling sick.

"What if she wakes up again?"

His throat bobs as he swallows, "It won't matter. I'll just tell her it will help her sleep."

I can tell by his shaking hands that he doesn't want to do this. "I could just go put her out on the truck. It doesn't have to be us. I put her out there now, she'll probably freeze to death before she even gets there," I tell him, not being able to watch him do this.

"I'm not making her suffer any more than she already has," he snaps at me and I shut my mouth. I can tell I've stuck a cord. Perhaps I have underestimated the protectiveness between patient and doctor.

"She'll be so cold she won't even feel it," I say after we both sit in silence, him trying to find the strength to just do it.

"She doesn't deserve this," he says in response. He bites his lip hard and I see tears slip down his face. "She never deserved any of this. None of it was her fault." I realize he is speaking to the wound which got her in the predicament of being shipped off.

"It doesn't matter now."

"It does. It does matter. Maybe not to you and me, but I'm sure it matters to her." He stares down at Hazel as she continues to struggle to breath.

"She's in pain."

"She has been for a while," he says, starting to doubt if this is what's best. I mean he is right, her life has probably always sucked like this, so why not let her continue on and at least die in her time?

"Did you know her before you had to..." I ask him, not wanting to say it.

"No. She was with me for a while though. A while being comparative to how much time injured subs usually spend in medical care," he says and I nod.

"I'm sorry."

He nods his head and gently brushed her hair from her face. "Me too." He gently caresses her bruised cheek. "I have to do this though. I won't let her pass on alone," he says, taking the needle again.

"W-What if I buy her?" I regret my compulsive words. I don't want a submissive. I can't afford a submissive.

He looks over at me, an unreadable expression on his face. "She would be cheap," he says, almost reading my regret.

I don't have a lot of money. I don't really have any money, but perhaps this isn't by chance. Perhaps I was meant to be here and watch this, so that I would take her home. Maybe this is how I learn to train a submissive, so I can be a trainer and do more than just punish subs.

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