Chapter 18

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(So things got a little out if order in my writing so I'm back tracking a bit and then we will be back on track. Thanks for understanding!)

It was 1:30 am in the Friar house hold and both teenagers were still awake sitting in the living room of the apartment with 2 jelly beans on the table, each in there own box.

"I dont know," Lucas said for what felt like the million time he said it that night.

"But you do." Melissa said, "Lucas deep down in the depths of your soul you know which one you love. You always have, it's just a little fuzzy right now."

"Well how do you make it unfuzzy?"

"That's what we've been doing you dummy! Last thing we are going to try ok?"


"If someone sat Riley and Maya in front if you," Melissa picked up the  2 jelly beans and put them directly in front of her brother un her hands. "And said 'Lucas Friar, the world is ending and the only way to save it is to decide, right here right now, who you want be you girl friend and who you want to be just your friend.' And this person gave you 30 seconds, who would you choose," Melissa finished and started counting in her head. Lucas took this question seriously running through everything he and his sister had talked about that night. Before they both knew it Lucas reached out and grabbed the purple jelly bean.

"Knew it," Melissa said beaming with pride.

"How did you know?"

"Your my big brother, I know you better than you know yourself," she said like it was the most simplest of concepts. Lucas rolled his eyes at his little sister.

Lucas then got up and headed for the door.

"Aaa, where are you going?"

"To tell the girls."

"Lucas its 2 in the morning go to bed," Melissa said kissing her brothers cheek before taking her own advice and going to bed. But not before texting Farkle and Zay five words, 'Choice made and locked in.'

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