"That makes sense," you nodded slowly, sighing as you reached for your teacup, taking a sip. Setting it back down you looked to her once more," How do you know my name? Me as... as [Name]?"

Kyrie, looked away for a moment, then back at you as she lowered her head. "I apologize if I overstepped my boundaries. I did not know Vergil was not aware of your... Amaya situation."

"The truth is," the door creaked open, Vergil and Nero stepping through—Nero speaking. "I'll take it from here, babe," the younger of the two smiled, sitting next to the auburn haired girl as Vergil closed the door, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall near it. "The truth is, [Name], after seeing Noa with you for a while, I had him explain to me what was going on with you two—it seemed weird, y'know? Just getting cozy with some random girl." He paused, looking down for a moment as he rubbed his hands together, thinking. "He...gave me reasons to believe that you were [Name], and I didn't believe him."

"During then," Kyrie interrupted, clearing her throat," I had known Nero for quite some time... and, he began acting... strange. You see, we were reacquainted over summer after not seeing each other for a while... Within those few weeks, he said he recently felt like—after hearing information from Noa—he had forgotten something. Then we fought...and argued, and even..." Her voice trailed off, looking a bit dejected from her recollection.

Nero nodded slowly, locking gazes with you as he squeezed Kyrie's hands that were clasped upon her lap. "I told Kyrie everything, and she offered to cleanse me—maybe it would clear up my head and calm me down. It was a little after that, that I remembered everything. I felt kinda sick with myself... And, no offense [Name], but I didn't want to get involved."

You pursed your lips before answering, setting down the tea cup that you had just picked up once more," ...That's...fair."

"I-It's not you!" he then huffed, shaking his hands in front of him. "It's just.. after what you had put us through last year, I realized how much I missed the way things were before you came along. Maybe if things were different, y'know? If you weren't getting chased every minute by someone—I'd love to hang out and be...normal." Nero looked away again, sighing," ...After I found Kyrie again, I realized how balanced she was able to keep me, and how she genuinely wanted to help everyone... I felt that we had focused on one person for far too much—it got me so riled up thinking about what Noa told me that...like Kyrie said, it...it almost broke us up...for good." Nero locked eyes with you, looking up," We missed you [Name]—you were missing from us—but its not like our lives stopped without you for all those years you weren't there."

Yunalesca put her cup down, crossing her arms as she learned back," What you're saying is, you're not helping us."

"Ah!" you turned to the girl, equally frustrated. "Yunalesca it's—"

"No, [Name]," she snorted, annoyed. "I mean no offense to you, Kyrie, but Nero, you deciding to run away because it broke up you already on and off again relationship questions how long this'll even last. Plus, there are so many people are affected by Chiyoko that—"

"But it's because of [Name] that we got affected in the first place!" Nero raised his voice, standing as he glared at Yunalesca. "It's because of her nobody remembers anything! I don't mind lending a hand, but I'm not going to be your cannon for a battle that's not mine!"

"Nero," Kyrie called out, reaching to his right hand, which you noticed now, was gloved, in comparison to his left. "Please, calm down, she—"

"I am calm," he hissed, then, realizing his actions, mouthed an apology to her as she shook her head, letting go of him. Groaning, he scratched his head rapidly in frustration, looking at you once more. "Look, I'm staying here with Kyrie. If you need me, I can try helping, but I'm not coming back to Twilight Town—this is my home now. Where Kyrie is, I will go."

[KH/FF] Treachery of Fate: Imperfect ImposterWhere stories live. Discover now