Chapter 34

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"Well, I'll see you guys later, I might have work!" Reno grinned, waving as he walked towards the parking lot that led to the main street on the other side.

"I'll be taking my leave as well," Vincent nodded, following the redhead.

"Bye~!" Namine waved with a smile, turning towards Ryuushin.

"Gimmie a minute Nami, I'm just gonna go get one more chocolate box, okay? Could you watch her for a sec?" Prompto called over his shoulder towards Ryuushin who nodded.

"Well, that was a lot more fun than I expected," the ravenette sighed happily.

Namine nodded," It was fun to get out like this--we should do it more often."

"Yeah... [Name], what about you? This was a great change of pace right?" No answer. "...[Name]?" Ryuushin looked up from his phone curiously.

"Ah!" Namine gasped, looking around the crowded area. "[N-Name]! She's not here!"

"I thought you were just talking to her before the others left?" Ryuushin's eyes widened, and he glanced around the area, across the sea of night shoppers, dialing your number on his phone, then pulling it up to his ear. "She must've gotten lost in the crowd."

"I-I can't believe we didn't notice!" Namine shook her head in disbelief, turning in circles. "D-Do you see her anywhere?"

"No, you?"

"No! What about her phone?"

"Straight to voicemail," he sighed, shoving the device back into his pocket.

"Maybe she saw Reno and Vincent and went towards the parking lot! Let's go!" the blonde proclaimed, grabbing Ryuushin by the wrist as she ran off.

"But Prompto--"

"We can explain later!"


Namine gasped, whirling around as she and Ryuushin were somewhere near the middle of the crowded parking lot. He turned to her in panic, wondering what was wrong as a horrified look crossed her features, and she shook her head, frightened as her blue eyes were fixated on the direction of the alleyway.

"Namine, Namine! Namine what's wrong!? Do you hear anything?" Ryuushin asked, shaking her slightly.

She nodded numbly," S-Someone is in trouble in the alley and [N-Name] is there... Th-There's a monster or something and... W-We have to go NOW!"

"Namine and Ryuushin?" The two turned to the voice, finding Rika standing there with Xion and Roxas. The redhead had spoken, and despite her shock of the two holding hands, she smirked, stepping forward. "Namine, what are you doing?"


"We're just shopping," Ryuushin answered. "We're in a hurry though and--"

"What's the rush? You're looking about done! Stay and chat with us for a moment!"


"H-Huh?" your voice came out, finally, but broke within the same second.

"Goodnight," he said, voice a low murmur that floated to you as the wind blew again, and he was a blur that disappeared around the corner as it died down.

Swallowing back your shock, you turned to Wasurete, who, was still unconscious. In the dim light, you could see his face bruised and scratched, with blood seeping through his shirt as a wet spot that was slowly growing. You placed his weapon chain back ground his neck, and examined him for a moment to make sure there weren't any threatening injuries; thankfully, he only had a flesh wound from being cut at the worst.

[KH/FF] Treachery of Fate: Imperfect ImposterWhere stories live. Discover now