I Wish I Didn't

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"Since you probably wouldn't be up for many psychical activities, how about we tell each other some trivia?".

What is going on right now?

"I mean, yeah sure. But I'm really tired. I'll probably just fall asleep".

He kind of twitched at the last spoken word of mine, almost like he tried dodging it?

"That's fine. Alright, I'll go first. What's your full name?", he asked while almost falling off the chair from excitement.

Once again, like a child.

"My full name? It's Eleanor Stone", which felt way too weird to let it slip out.

The ones who call me by Eleanor are my more distant relatives and the only one who called me by my actual full name was my grandpa who passed away a few years ago. So hearing myself speak out about my full name almost made it feel like he was here. In reality, it was just me, a sick fella, and Jeff, an idiot. Based on my current state, all I felt like doing was to follow Jeff's track, so I copied his question and let him answer it.

"My full name is Jeffery Woods", and his smile almost turned upside down for a slight second but only until he asked me another question. He wanted to get on with it.

"When's your birthday and how old are you?", he asks.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Those are two questions, sir", I responded.

"That's none of my business. You get to ask the same question after", he says, smiling like a doofus. 

I sighed and told him.

"October 11th, 1998, so I'm 21, turning 22 this coming up year", I explained.

He cringed. I grinned.

"When is your birthday? And how old are you?", I ask.

He shakes his head. I'm enjoying his suffering way too much. 

"Remember what you said?", I teased.

He groaned and responded.

"June 2nd, 1993, so I'm 26", he stopped.



"SHUT UP, YEAH I KNOW I'M OLD", he shouts and hides in embarrassment. 

I started laughing but a cough kind of interrupted it which made me stop abruptly. This resulted in Jeff laughing his ass off but I stayed silent with a sorer throat. God damn it. I softly ran my left hand outside my throat, like trying to soothe it but knowing it wouldn't help.

We went on like this, asking each other's favorite colors, foods, seasons, etc, you name it. Through those questions, I got to know Jeff's first pet's name, which wasn't anything more special than his own, in this case, it was Lucas, a grey colored stray cat with smooth green eyes. Jeff yawned and almost closed his eyes, but not entirely.

"Alright, alright. I'm bored so let's skip the basics", he started. 

I looked at the time. But before that, I glanced towards the window, the sky. It reflected a dark shade of blue. My sight then shifted towards the clock. It read 7.38 pm in digital numbers. 

"You've been here for 3 hours soon, Jeff", I mentioned tiredly. 

My eyelids felt heavy and soggy like I just woke up from a nap when in reality I'd been awake for a while now.

Not What it Seems - A Jeff the Killer FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon