All three guys murmured in understanding but Emy and I were no wiser after his words and held our hands out.

"And that is?" Emy asked.

"They are mostly troublemakers, tricksters, they play pranks on unsuspecting travellers, usually through forests, mountain passes or anywhere they can hide out. They only have a limited level of magic and do no mean any harm, they are tuned into the worlds energy, however..." He trailed off and shook his head as he stared at the spot where she disappeared.

"Oh," I started, "What did she mean when she said 'sensed the shift'?" I thought back to her watery grey eyes staring at me and it gave me shivers.

"Yeah and why did she keep staring at me and Cass like that? It's like you're all obsessed!" Emy added, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

Merkell looked at us and sighed deeply, "Again, these are questions I cannot answer, I am sorry."

He took his bag off and took out the water and cups to share out.

I leaned over and whispered to Emy, "I'm getting really tired of all this secrecy."

"There is one thing I do not understand," Blaike spoke while we were all having a drink and a rest.

"Only one? Lucky you," I muttered to myself, feeling agitated about my questions going unanswered, again.

Emy snorted and nudged my side but nobody else seemed to have heard my comment as they watched Blaike and waited.

"How Cassandra..." my name still sounded strange coming from him, "Could tell the Mistrik was there when the rest of us couldn't."

He turned his gaze to me and I frowned, what was he trying to say? I looked down at the cup in my hands, I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

Merkell answered before I could think of something to say, "Cassandra seems to have exceptional instincts, enhanced by- well never mind but she could feel Kaleb and yourself watching them at Kayle's party."

Blaike's eyes widened, "That was a fair distance away and we were looking all over that building, we could barely see either of them."

My eyes widened this time, so that was where the feeling came from, they'd been watching us while we were inside as well.

Merkell smiled, "Yes, like I said, exceptional."

I looked up from the cup to see everyone looking at me as though I was a different person.

"What?" I asked in a less than polite tone, not liking everyone staring at me.

"It's just a feeling I get, like a shiver across my neck and down my back, then the thought that someone is watching me, or us in some cases."

They were still looking at me differently, I peered at Emy and she shrugged, she didn't know any more about this than I did.

"Why are you all looking at me like that? Everyone gets that feeling."

I couldn't understand their reactions to something so trivial after what we'd been going through. Merkell looked deep in thought, he'd been staring at me but he snapped out of it when I looked directly at him.

His mouth curved into a small smile, "Yes, they do, Cassandra but they are usually just paranoid. The reason we are this surprised is because nobody can sense Mistriks, not even with magic, that's why they are so very good at what they do. Unless you can catch sight of one like Kayle and Blaike did, you are not going to know one is there... and yet you did."

Now I was the one to stare, how could I be the only one capable of doing that? Merkell began packing everything away while I was stood there dumbfounded. He acted like nothing had changed and shouldered his bag.

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