Chapter 1: Eye of the Beholder, Pt. 1 (Reign)

Start from the beginning

Hiccup and I are still together, three years later. As we grew up, he became more of the romantic in the relationship, and we're less hesitant about displaying affection for each other, but other than that, not much has changed between us.

And I didn't expect it to anytime soon.

Astrid remained eerily silent that night at dinner, picking at her food with a solemn look. I let it drag on for a while before setting my fork down and reaching out to tap her, getting her attention. Her eyes snapped up, wide an alarmed, as though she hadn't noticed I was here until now.

"You wanna talk about what's going on?" I asked gently. She sighed and laid down her utensil, then averted her gaze down.

"I, uh—I told Hiccup about joining the Berk guard today." I settled back slightly.

"Oh..." My arms crossed against my chest. "I'd assume he didn't take it well?" Her blonde hair tossed back and forth as she vigorously shook her head.

"He just seemed really... disappointed. I mean, think about it: we disbanded the Academy because we thought we didn't need it anymore, everyone's doing their own thing, including you... I think he just wishes things were the way they used to be." I nodded slowly, absorbing every word she said.

"Yeah, I've kind of sensed that lately." I brushed some of my uncontrollable mop from my eyes. "I really should be with him more. I think he's been feeling a little abandoned ever since I started spending time at Fishlegs' lessons."

After a moment of thought, I pushed back my chair and stood.

"Do you mind if I try and go find him?" I asked, looking down at our unfinished food. She smiled and waved her hand.

"Go be with your boyfriend. He probably needs you now more than ever."

Reassured, I made my way out the door and headed for Hiccup's home. Stoick said he had only returned briefly to eat before leaving again, and after thanking him, I made my way around Berk. It wasn't until well into the night I found him and Toothless in the arena, staring at the old targets we used in training. A pang dropped in my heart, and I took steps toward the two of them.

"Never knew you had a thing for the wall," I chuckled, causing him to turn around. Typically, he would tease me back, but he didn't even turn around. Sighing, I went up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, then rested my cheek against his back. "I know things have changed really quickly..."

His hands rested on mine as he let out a loud, drawn-out sigh.

"I just... things were great the way they were, right? Or was I the only one who liked all that?"

"No, we all definitely loved riding off and exploring the vast reaches of the archipelago, but... we're not kids anymore, you know? We've got things we all have to do, responsibilities."

"I know, I know." He shook his head. "I'm being ridiculous."

"Nope." I used my arms to spin him around and face me. "You're adjusting, just like the rest of us. We'll all get used to this eventually, I promise." Finally, a little smile worked its way onto his face, and he leaned down to kiss my forehead. "Now, go get some sleep, please. I'll see you in the morning."

I squeezed his hands again before pulling away.

"I love you," he called out to me. I stopped in my tracks and turned around, hoping the shadows would hide my blush. That wasn't the first time he'd said that to me, but it always made me turn bright red.

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