He looked down and his heart stopped beating at the sight of Taehyung. To be exact, the sight of two dolls that looked like his son and Taehyung. The dolls' hand was sewn to each other.

He let Taehyung go.

Yoongi recalled back the forgotten memory from three months ago.

" M-my husband "

Yoongi sobbed. His eyes red and he looked so tired. So broken. A piece of cloth and a strain of hair kept in a box were in his arms. He hold them desperately.

Mr. Jeon stood before him with the same creepy smile from when he first met Yoongi.

" I know what I needed in order for you to make the doll. Take these. I don't care about the price. Just p-please. Please bring him back. I beg you. "

Yoongi pleaded, his voice cracking. His body was shaking uncontrollably.

" I'll do it Mr. Min. Don't worry. Mind tell me what happened? "

Mr. Jeon asked. He doesn't look worried or anything but there's a weird glint in his eyes.

" T-Tae. H-he"

Yoongi paused and he took a deep breath.

" T-Taehyung was losing it. I didn't know what to do. So I hid the doll and he- he just couldn't take it.

He sat on the corner of our room. Kept on mumbling something and when I tried to approach him, he go feral. I didn't know what to do so I left him. When I comeback, he's still there but he- "

Yoongi stopped his sentence and sobbed.

" He was no longer alive. There was blood on the floor, his shirt and his wrist.

H-he slit his wrist."

Tears streamed down Yoongi's face. Mr. Jeon stared at him.

" Your hallucination. Magic or whatever that is. Does it works for adults too? "

" Of course it does. Adult or not, nobody ever asked for their money back. "

Yoongi smiled hearing this. His Taehyung will come back. He doesn't care if it's just a lie and not real. As long as he can have Taehyung.

" Thank you. Thank you so much Mr. Jeon. "

Mr. Jeon smiled.

" Don't mention it. It's what I do. "

Yoongi cried as he hold the doll in his arms. He carried it inside and smiled when Taehyung beamed at him.

" I love you baby. "

Taehyung giggled. His son smiled between them.

" I love you too. "

Yoongi hugged him and chuckled. Tears were still streaming down his face.

Even though he knew it was all a lie. He doesn't even care anymore.

As long as Taehyung was with him.



" You did this. Right Jeonggukie? "

Jimin said. He looked at Jeongguk who was staring down at the scene in front of them.

" What do you mean? I didn't do anything. "

Jeongguk denied and smiled. Jimin scoffed.

" Don't act innocent you fucker. You mess with that poor boy's mind. You drove him crazy and clouded his mind. You made he think that was really his son. "

Jimin growled out. Jeongguk stayed silent.

" Nobody ever grew this attached to the stupid doll. Even that Namjoon guy. They all knew what's real and what's not. Even though some of them believed it, they never took it too far. The doll never caused death. Ever."

" So what if I messed with his mind? Why do you even care? His husband still got Taehyung even though it was just a doll. Nobody will get hurt again. So just mind your own business. "

Jeongguk growled. His eyes turning red. Jimin snapped his mouth shut. Making Jeongguk angry was never a good choice.

" That boy, Taehyung. He reminded me of him. His body, his soul, everything about him was similar to him.

I want him. I want his soul to be mine so I have to do something in order for him to be mine. So I just play with his mind a little. "

Jeongguk chuckled.

" That boy was pure, innocent and strong in many ways. But like every human, his mind was weak. With a little push, he will eventually break.

Now that he's mine. Nobody will die again because of my doll. I will even stop selling the doll. The only reason I started this was because of him. And now that I have him, I'll stop. "

Jeongguk snapped his fingers and Taehyung appeared in front of him.

Taehyung looked beautiful as always. But he looked empty. Like a doll. Jeongguk hugged Taehyung close. Jimin watched them silently.

" I will spend my immortality with him and we'll be together forever. And if anyone dare to part us. "

Jeongguk gritted his teeth and Jimin tensed up.

" I'll show them hell "


(a/n) Taehyung is Jeongguk's past lover. The only lover he had and the reason why Jeongguk started all this. If you have any questions please ask at the chapter that was named ' question"

Hope you all like this.

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