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America was left home alone as his brothers Canada and Mexico where out on vacation. America did his usual thing like cleaning the house and the car but he soon began to grow bored of just cleaning and playing games on the TV. 

One Month later

Canada and Mexico drove up to their house as they walked inside all of the curtains where closed the lights where off and it was almost pitch black. As the two brothers walked around they heard Loud Sobbing and someone calling out their names the voice was coming from Americas room. The two opened the door and they saw america on the floor with his arm face and legs covered in scratches and blood "C..Canada...Mex..mexico..." america managed to sob out. "oh my god..bro.." Canada squeaked out. Mexico turned on the light and they saw that Americas sunglasses where on the floor. as they looked into Americas eyes they where pitch black "Mexico...todo duele mucho"  america cried out in Spanish "I know little bro I know its ok..its ok.." Mexico said while hugging his younger brother. this was the closest hes felt to america in a long time. America clutched onto Mexico like his life depended on it. Canada pulled out his keys and picked up america "lets go get you fixed up bro"  Canada said while walking out into the car with mexico trailing behind him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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