"It's inspired by The Little Mermaid and Tinkerbell. Going for nostalgia points here-" Lufu confessed,

"Well, the detailing is very nice. Let's say, a solid 7 out of 10. Only because I feel you two can be a little more creative."

"At least we're gonna beat Cray." Marcus laughed, looking at his neighbour.

"HEY!" Cray screeched, Grace hurried the group over before a fight broke out.

"Cray, Bazz uh... what is this?" Grace said wearily,

"ANIME TITTIESSSSSS!" You know who yelled,

"He peer-pressured me to help him." Brodey confessed to them all.

"Hmm, well 6 out of 10. Only because it's mainly revolves around the boobs."

"But that's the star feature-"

"DON'T argue Cray!" Brodey yelled,

"Onto Musey and Lachy," Marcus laughed,

"Now Grace, it's traditional. We love tradition. But we added a moat. So it's Traditional but Spicy." Elliot introduced.

"So Kinky?" Cray laughed.

"WHAT. THE. FUCK?" Elliot yelled at him

"I'm not even gonna bother, 5 and a half." Grace said.

"You're like the worst judge." Elliot sulked.

"Cheer up, Musey. Hopefully Lufu will pick something good." Lachlan said.

"hAvE yOu sEeN y/N's aNd LaNaN's?!1?" He screeched. "WERE HAVING PASTA JUST FACE IT!"

"What's wrong with pasta?-" Lachy asked,


"WHO'S DISSING MY PASTA?!" Y/n yelled out of no where. Everyone pointed at Elliot.

"Pasta's perfectly fine actually." He said quickly.

"That's what I thought. Now Grace....."

"We decided to built Fortnite because that's what our career is mainly based off and is very important to us and sentimental and holds a great value in our life." Lannan said proudly. After rehearsing it 50 times. He needed this win. As much as he loved his girlfriend, hopefully he can convince her to not have pasta. Maybe barbecue. Hmm yum.

"Wow guys, this is over the top."

"Over-Achievers!" Bazz yelled.

"After very careful evaluating. I hereby give you a 9 out of 10 and the win." Grace clapped.


"Heyyyy." Lannan said,

"What?" Y/n sighed not looking up from her phone.

"Why so sad baby?" He asked,

"I want pasta."

"I know, but I think a barbie is good. Take a break from pasta. I'll be back," He got up and went to the kitchen. Leaving his phone.

Y/n sent her email to her cousin in France then she heard Lannan's phone ding.

New Message- Ilsa❤️
Can't wait xx

'What?' Y/n thought. Then it went off again.

New Message- Ilsa❤️
I feel so sneaky doing this xx how about you dump her already baby? We're meant to be x

Y/n stood up and ran outside. It's pretty clear. He was a cheater. Brodey was outside having a beer on the verandah when he saw his sister run down to the beach.
"What?-" He said out loud. After a few seconds he got up, put his drink down and jogged after her. "Oi sis, stop running." Y/n stopped and turned around, tears forming. "Hey, Hey, whats wrong? If it's about the pasta we can have it tomorrow ok?" He put his hand on her shoulder.

Trapped. (Lazarbeam x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now