Chapter 46 : Umbreon of evil

Start from the beginning


Jake was thrown to the ground in tbe middle of the clearing as more pokemon gathered around. Jake noticed that they had also betten Matt up a bit. Soul jump on to a rock "Pokemon of everfree hear your future King speak....the evil umbreon has sliped away!.....but Echo will have his peace soon....she is weak and on her own now we most find her!" Jake let a growl out but Matt ran to his side "Don't speak Jake you'll make this worse....Soul hates talk backers" Matt informed him but Jake didn't care he Sprint to his paws and yelled out "Your wrong! Steel is stronger then you know it!" Soul's eye's glare at him and he was about to speak but was cut off "Don't Soul....I'll deal with him...but first i want to see our new servents" Matt's head shot up in shoock watch puzzle Jake. Matt looked at Jake " that cant be....he's" but Soul moves to reveal a shiny pikachu. His eye's where dark and almost lifeless as he gazed at them "Still alive" he growls glaring at Matt. Matt back up wuth his mouth wide open in shock "But...but i saw....your killed by beheading!" Jake's eye's wided "what are you talking about?" Jake asked feeling a bit freaked out but Matt stoped tslking when Echo spoke again "i don't have time to explain myself to you....Jake you betrayed me! A promise you broke!" A lot of pokemon started yelling in hate and rage Jake felt shocked by the amount of pokemon that where there the Echo spoke again "you shell be killed! will be killed. Just as Blaze tryed to me.... You have no idea how much i hate back stabers!" Matt stood up glaring with his one eye. Dusty and the others looked surprise as well "Wait...Jake you worked for him?" Dusty yelled from across the clearing Jake felt his heart rase with fear 'Dusty is really close to Steel if he finds out...he'll tell' Echo glares at him "of course he did in fact him and Skylar where my two spies...after all Jakes the one who found Steel" Jake lowers himself at that. Dusty stared "that can't be right because that....would mean.....wait...." Dusty looks at Jake with wide eye's "......that's how Skull got to shawn" Dusty breathed and Jake spat out right away "I didn't mean for this!.... I never wanted to hurt anyone!.... I was just trying my best to survive" but Dusty didn't seem to care "So it was you! It's your fault Shawn died!" Jake frowns as the words cam out "How can we trust you?" Dusty spat at him but Echo answers "you don't.....he's loyal to no one but himself" Echo then looked to Skylar "he's your ex.....finsh him" Jake stared at Skylar she had a nasty scar across her face as she stalks close "I've been wanting this for a long time" she growls. Matt whispers "get ready to run" Jake looked at him in shoock "What?" Matt lowers himself in a position ".....i know how hard life can be.....and i have faith that you meant no hard towerds Shawn or Steel" Matt then jump in fron of Skylar and used dark pluse hitting alot of pokemon making an exit. Jake then took off as fast as he could watch was pretty fast. He could hear Matt yelling "FIND STEEL!" Jake felt his heart racing as he ran 'he's right... I gotta get to steel.....she's our only hope to fix a wrong'


Steel's P.O.V

Steel felt pain shoot through her body as she slowly got to her paws. She had cuts along her shoulders and back from the fall. She limped away from where she was as she remembers why she had been running 'soul is after me....Anglica's dead' that seems to Echo in her head she just couldn't believe it. She dragged her self to the water feeling a deep sadness as tears start up again until she couldn't hold back anymore and let out a sod as the feeling took over 'Why? Why Arceuse Why? Taking my family away from me?' She suddenly felt a dark feeling creeping up on her I'll kill skylar! That bitch DOESN'T deserve to live!' Steel that hit a rock really hard with her psychic power feeling angry and sad at the same time "Good, your right she dosen't" Steel froze in suprise as she looked across the river to see a umbreon with red rings and red eye's. Steel flinched in shoock "who....who are you" Steel said feeling consernd 'i must of hit my heat pretty hard....or am i having a dream?' The red umbreon laughs a little "heheh we're funny" Steel cocked her head "um we?" The red umbreon noded. Well yes we as in you... I'm you Steel can't you tell" Steel frowns "that dosen't make senses" the red umbreon just smirks "in this forestbit to hear?" Steel noded "y-yes" the red umbreon walk througbt tbe water to make it's way to Steel "ever since our spirits where cslled by the one called Echo....we've been able to come out when we feel....sad....angery....depressed instead of being held in....we control our actions now" Steel eyes her "and what are you exactly?"
The red umbreon walks up to ber and states into her "....the dark side of your thoughts.....tbe side that fights.....kilks heh i liked it when Skull chocked on his blood....let's fo more of that.... How about jake and the others" Steel felt shoock "kill them why?" The red umbreon smirks "because the world are fuckers!.... They don't care about's thir fault Anglica is dead!" She hissed and Steel felt a bit scared "No that's not true! They couldn't have helped" the red umbreon just chuckles "really....hmm well where are they?...where did Jake go?.. Oh that's right he left you!....probably isn't even in love with you probably works with Echo he is hiding something after all" Steel tryes to cover her ears "You can't know that....we don't know that!" The red umbreon just rolled her eye's "Oh please....we're not stupid, he was going to tell the other day but Dusty cut in. If you feel like he loves you then confront him and see what happens" Steel stared at her not knowing what to think amymore. "But killing is wrong....." The red umbreon just smirks " we teally care? We killed Skull and that work out good for us....and Skylar will be next" she flexes her clows against the rocks by the river. Steel noded " did work out vary good for me" the red umbreon that started walking even closer to her almose nose to nose now "hehe Steel.....just follow me. I can give you everything you've been dreaming of......just let me in" she was now whimpering as if not to let the world know what she was saying. Steel felt a cold shiver run down her spin "Everything huh?" Steel then norrowed her eye's "You ask me to do sin so No" steel then trys to scratch it but it moved away fast and landing on a rock by thecwater ".....heh fine.....but i live in you already....I'll be back, stronger heh my streath only grows from here!" And in Steel's every eye's she faded away like it was never there. Steel felt her head spinning 'what the hell just happened? What was that...thing, was it really me? It still dosen't add up' Steel then heared paw steps running towards her and she got nervous 'oh who cares i gotta hide' steel run to the bushies snd lowered herself as a bunch of mightyanaes ran by her not even looking her way Steel saw Killian he looked a bit nervous as he sbiffed around and took off again. Steel then snuck away and limped away feeling pain in every step as she took off.

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