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School for the past two days seemed so long, and I'm not really sure why. The only thing that gets me through the day most days are my friends, which I guess is how it was in Texas, too. I wish that all the guys could be here with us during school, but I guess they're all old and graduated.

There's a girl in our class and her name is Tammy. She may be the most annoying person I've ever met. I guess I may hate her so much because she's constantly trying to get Zach's attention, and it's so obvious. Even Rita has mentioned it, and when I mentioned it to Lexi she said it's been like that since Zach first started there.

Today we had to get assigned with partners for our out of school project, and of course Zach and Tammy got put together. So that means they may be spending a whole lot of time together outside of class... I got put with some dude I've never even talked to. He's not even like a cute distraction from Zach, plus I'm pretty sure he doesn't have above a C in any of our classes.

Yay me.

But the good news is this: the boys are coming over for dinner tonight. They decided that afterwards they were going to stay and hang out with me.

Dad said dinner was at 7 so I started helping him cook around 5:30. I think I was a little more excited than I should have been, but I love hanging out with the guys. And also, I know Zach won't be with Tammy tonight.

Dad and I decided to make spaghetti since it was simple and easy to make for a lot of people. We paired the spaghetti with garlic bread and I decided I'd make brownies for desert. I mixed my bowl of brownie mix while dad started to make the sauce for the spaghetti. It was nice to cook like this with my dad. It reminded me of when my mom and I would cook back in Texas.

Time went by quickly as dad and I listened to his old rock music. I'm a fan of any kind of music, and I know most of his, but I don't typically listen to it when I'm not with him. I switched it up and played "Something Different" by the boys because it's one of the only ones I know most of the words to. Seeing my dad sing all the words to this teenage boy bands song cracked me up, and I know he only knows the songs because he's their boss, but imagine your dad singing the lyrics to a boy band song. Funny, right?

A few minutes later, I hear the doorbell ringing signaling that the boys had arrived. Because I was already finished with my brownies and dad was still working on the pasta, I went to the door to let them in.

"Hello, besties!" I exclaimed as I opened the door.

Jack, who was the first at the door, engulfed me in a hug.

"Oh my gosh I haven't seen you in so long! I missed you!" he squealed like a little girl, obviously joking.

I laugh at this and give hugs to all the other boys, holding on a little tighter and lingering a little longer on Zach's hug. The boys started walking to the kitchen, but Zach hangs back with me while I lock the door back up.

"So," he began, "how do you like your project partner?"

I leaned against the door and let out a sigh. "I don't think the kid said a full sentence to me the entire time we worked in class today."

He nodded his head and chuckled.

"Yeah, Jim's always been a quiet guy."

"How do like your's?" I avoided his statement and jumped right to what I wanted to ask.

"My partner?" he asked.

"No, your penis," I said rather sarcastically. "Yes, your partner, dumbass."

"Chill, I was just making sure we were on the same page. She's a little annoying, but she always does all the work when were partnered because she wants to impress me."

He called her annoying, which reassured me.

"Ha, yeah I can see that," I say, and I start walking towards the kitchen where the other guys and my dad are.

I see them all carrying some sort of tray or dish to the dining room and I grab my brownies and follow them so I won't have to come back into the kitchen for them after. We all sit down at the table; I decided to sit in between my dad and Jonah, with Daniel right across from me. After serving ourselves, a casual conversation comes up about the boys album release date, which was already set for August 31, a couple weeks from now.

"Alright boys," my dad interrupted the casual conversation with.

"What I invited you boys here for is to discuss with you a trip to New York with the team."

The boys looked a little confused when he said this. But he finished his explanation after a few seconds of anticipation.

"I got you boys an interview on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon." Dad clapped his hands together in excitement.

Daniel immediately stood up, and a very odd noise came out of his mouth. Maybe like a gasp or a squeal or even both; I don't even know. Jonah wore a smile on his face, and Corbyn and Jack's mouths fell wide open.

"No you didn't," Zach yelled.

"Son, do I look like the kind of guy who would lie about that?" My dad said.

Son. Hehe. Even my dad knows Zach and I are getting married.

"I have ALWAYS wanted to be on that show," Jack said.

I wore a smile on my face while the boys fangirled about meeting Jimmy Fallon. They were all so cute when they were excited.

"So here's what's going to happen. You will be on the show August 26th. We will fly into New York on the 23rd and stay till the 28th. Then we come back and you boys have plenty of time to rest before the album release party on the 31st," my dad explains.

"What are we going to do while we're there?" Corbyn asks.

"We're going to have a pop up show and maybe a few signings but mainly I'm giving you all time to catch up with friends there. Holly, you'll be coming with us, of course, and you and Zach will have to have your travel teacher come along, but you should still have plenty of free time."

"I get to go?" It was my turn to get excited. I thought I'd have to sit alone in my room watching from home. "Does this mean I get to be backstage and meet Jimmy Fallon?"

"If you want to, I could probably get you backstage with us, too."

I reach over from where I'm sitting and embrace my dad in a hug.

"No way, you're literally the best! Thank you, Dad!"

A week and a half from now, I'll be in New York with a famous boy band, aka some of my best friends, meeting Jimmy Fallon. Could my life get any better at the moment.

I look between all of the boys, all discussing the trip and what we should do while we are there. When I look at Zach, I see him looking right back at me and smiling.

This is going to be a fun trip.

Helllllooo folks. So I'm in college wow. My classes are kicking my ass, so it will probably be a little while before my next update (@ Lauren be patient and don't give up on me)

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