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On the way to Parker's house, I play music. It's only about a 7 minute drive, but there's never a bad time for One Direction.

One of my favorite things about me and Parker's friendship is our ability to completely go wild and jam to any type of music. We both share a love for music, both loving to sing. I play piano, and she plays the guitar.

I know it sounds cheesy but we have multiple videos of us singing together on YouTube. Dad has talked to us about recording a few songs and signing us, but we declined because we didn't think we were ready yet and we want to know we are good enough instead of being told by my dad. Although I don't think my dad would offer that if we weren't really good enough.

We get to Parker's house, and get out of the car. When we walk inside, all the lights are off, which is weird because they don't turn their lights off, even when they sleep.

I'm ahead of Parker so I reach for the light switch and turn it on, only to see a whole lot of people jump out at me and yell, "SUPRISE!!"

All of my friends, my mom, and Parker's family are there and people immediately start giving me hugs. When my mom walks up, I hug her especially tight.

"Were you surprised?" She asked when I finally release her.

"I had no idea," I said. And I really didn't expect this at all.

"Parker did a great job planning it," mom said and I look over to my best friend. She smiled a huge smile at me and I pull her into a hug.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more," she retaliates.

"That's not possible," I say back. "I'm gonna miss you more than I've ever missed anything."

The rest of the night is filled with 'goodbyes,' and although it was sad, I couldn't have asked for a better way to go.

My favorite part about Dallas is all the friends and support I have here. My goal for LA is to find the same thing, somehow, someway.

I'm sorry this chapter is so short. It is kinda a filler, but she will be leaving next chapter and things will be getting more interesting, so stick with me :)

Secret // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now