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Mrs. Teacher lady tells us we can leave, and Rita and I quickly confirm that the others will wait in the car for us, and we will meet them in 10-15 minutes. After that, we rush out of the room and beat everyone to the elevator.

When we step in and click a floor number, Rita takes the opportunity to ask, "Ok, but what the hell? I'm so confused!"

I sink down into the corner of the elevator.

"I'm so confused! Who does that kid think he is? I hate boys!" I would rub my hands on my face out of stress, but no, I had to actually do my makeup this morning to impress a guy I didn't even know was coming, and who turned out to barely acknowledge my existence when he did show up.

Suddenly I remember something. He's fucking famous. I'm a fucking idiot. Who knows how many people talk to him in one day, like did I really expect it to be a big deal to him that he sees one 'fan' twice?

"Ok, you need to explain," Rita asks, and she holds out a hand to help me off the ground.

"Well, I met the bitchass on the plane ride from Dallas to LA like last week, and we talked the whole ride, like I told him about all of my problems and everything," I started when I was back on my feet. The elevator reaches the floor we needed and we stepped off and ran into her dads empty office.

I continued with my explanation once we had slammed the door behind us, "But guess what the bitchass also did. He didn't tell me he was in a freaking band."

"That's why you were so confused!" Rita's face fills with realization.

"I swear to God, I'm gonna smash his head into and then I'm gonna take his body and--"

"Ok. ok. OK. oK. okur. okie. OKKK. This has taken a turn--" Rita interrupts my sentence, but I forge an evil laugh into my brain and interrupt her interruption.

"A turn for the better."

"NONONONONONO I do not think so, doll face," Rita says. "Um, I think my father has some chill pills in his drawer, maybe you should take one."

"What. Did. You. Just. Say. To. Me?"

As my face fills with rage, hers fills with fear. I hope she is fearing her life, because that's what I'm about to take away from her. Slowly, I stand up off the ground, never breaking contact with her eyes. She begins laughing, and saying it was a joke, while backing up into the wall.

"Take it back," I demand and I step closer to her.

"Um--" she begins, but before she gets anything out, I begin chasing her around the room. As I am chasing her, and yelling, someone walks in the office, but we hadn't noticed at first.

"Ahem," the voice said, and we both stop cold in our tracks and look up at the man.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Rita quickly speaks. "We were just about to leave."

He just stares at us as we walk out of his office. Geez Rita's dad is scary. Once we close the door behind us, I quickly lunge onto Rita's back.

"Don't you have something to say?" I gnaw my teeth as I say it.

"I'm sorry, I take it back."

"Now that's more like it." I get off of her back, and peacefully walk to the elevator.

"You're a freak."

"Yup, I know. That's why you love me," I turn around and wink at her. We make our way into the elevator, and to the parking garage. I stayed by her side the entire time, whispering negative things about how much I was dreading this into her ear.

"Hey guys, over here," Jake called out of the car window.

We walked that way, and jumped into the back seat of the car. Lexi was already sitting in the very back due to the fact that there were only 3 seats in the middle row. Zach, along with another guy who had extremely curly hair framing his face were sitting in the 2 front seats.

Zach leaned over to whisper something to the other guy, and he exclaims, "No way, dude!"

Zach nods his head and turns to look at Rita and me, both with confused expressions on our faces. "This is Jack Avery," he says, and the other boy turns his head to look at us. He gives us a smile and a wave.

"Hi, I'm Rita," she speaks up from beside me. When I don't speak straight away, everyone looks at me, and Rita nudges my arm.

"Oh. Sorry, I'm Holly," I awkwardly say from my seat in the middle of the row. Wow, I'm just so great at first impressions. "Nice to meet you." It comes out more like a question then a statement, and the only noise that fills the car after I say it is the sound of Zach's laugh. It's a nice noise, don't get me wrong, but he can shut the fuck up now.

Jack slaps Zach across the chest, and Zach says, "Ow, what was that for?"

Jack doesn't answer him and instead looks back at me again and says, "Nice to meet you, too."

He turns back around, takes the car out of park, and begins to drive. We pull out of the garage and immediately merge into traffic.

"Is Corbyn going to be there tonight?" Lexi speaks from the back seat. It's the first time she's talked since we got in the car, but granted there really was nowhere for her to step into our little awkward conversation from before.

"Yeah guys, if you didn't know, Lexi has an unspoken love for our bandmate Corbyn Besson," Zach says, and Jack and Jake laugh.

"I do not! He's my best friend, and y'all know that!" She defends.

Zach presses his hand against his heart and says, "Oh, ok. That hurt."

"Shut up, brat," Lexi snaps back.

"Ok, so if you're not in love with him, how would you feel if we told you he wasn't coming?" Jack challenges her.

She seems taken aback by the question, but suddenly lunges herself over our seats so she is on top of the 3 of us in the middle seats and dramatically says, "I wouldn't care, OK Jacky? How do you feel about that, huh?"

"I would feel like you were lying," Jack calmly replies, only looking at her from the rearview mirror.

She yells in frustration, and flops into the back seat yet again, crushing something while doing it.

"OWWWW," she yells again. She sits back up and holds a tennis racket in the air. "NONE of y'all play tennis!"

The whole car erupts in laughter. And here I was thinking I was dramatic for chasing Rita around her dad's office. Looks like me and Lexi have a lot more in common than I thought.

Laughter eventually dies down, and the jokes about Lexi begin to diminish. I feel sorry for her, but then again I think she knows how funny it was because she couldn't stop laughing herself. We pull into the parking lot for Jake's apartment building and make our way up to the floor his penthouse is on.

Yo guys Que Onda? lol that means what's up in Spanish. That's right. I'm fluent. Just kidding but I learned a lot. Honduras was so much fun and I haven't updated in so long so here y'all go. This is fun and these characters are based off of some of my friends and it's actually so accurate I wish y'all knew.

See y'all next update, PUTAS.

Secret // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now