Anita had no idea what to reply, Khushi came towards her further taking extra steps..

"But Maa .. Ek baat hai.. Mujhe puchna hai.." ( I have a query)

Anita could not even ask "What", her throat was jammed.. Arnav tried to stop Khushi again knowing very well she was going to say something that would do nothing but making this situation even more bitter.. He was ready to bear her bitterness, her anger towards him but not towards their parents.. But Anita was immobile..

"What if Arnav falls ill and suffers from any sickness one day.. Instead of going for treatment will you again go and haunt another girl for this solution Maa?? Because I know I am done performing this role now, right?? (Khushi's eyes started getting moisten as she raised her tone..) Will you again do it Maa?? Will you again find another girl for him??"

 Khushi almost screamed.. her face turned red in anger and she had no idea how she was talking to her Maa in her anger.. Anger management has always been an issue for her..

That lone tear fell from Anita's eye corner, she held the wall to stable herself seeing that pain as well as harshness in Khushi's words.. It did nothing but broke Anita further.. How will she make Khushi understand what she means??  Arnav quickly held her before she could fall..

"You and Baba took me here for this only and here being a fool I thought you loved me Maa??", her heart asked her why she was betrayed again and again.. 

"Khushi.. Please don't say this..", Anita pleaded..Her words escaped like whimper.

"But it is the truth, is not it??", Khushi's voice broke down.. "You never thought what I'll feel when I will come to know this.. ( she choked her voice..)..", her eyes did not leave Anita for a moment..

"STOP IT Khushi.. Stop talking to Maa like this..", roared Arnav seeing his mother's state.. She was almost going to collapse.

"I'll not stop.. I'll not stop until Maa replies me.. You understand that, and who the hell are you to stop me from asking Mumma?? Maa has to answer me, and she will..", wiping her eyes Khushi retorted. Any kind of words, any kind of talk she did not wish to have with Arnav.. His sight just plays with her nerves system making her insane..


"I'll not.."

"You have to.. Say sorry Khushi."

"And I said I will never say Sorry.."

"Chotey... for heaven sake please stop it.. And please leave from here.. Khushi is talking to me, you let us talk..Go Chotey!!", Anita tried to suppress their fight but was failed.. she tried to push Arnav hoping at least he would understand.. This fighting was not helping anyone..

"I can see how she is talking.. Actually it was my fault that I came here at first place.. I should not have..", Arnav continued.

"Then why did you come?? I did not ask for it..And you don't need to tell me how should I talk to my mother..", replied Khushi strongly glaring him as if to burn him alive..

" SHE IS NOT YOUR MOTHER AND THIS IS NOT YOUR HOME.." screamed Arnav, finally that anger erupted from him making him utter some words which he never meant..

A pin drop silence.. 

Khushi's eyes stopped blinking!! Did he just call this home as his not her??

Anita held Arnav's hand to stop him seeing Khushi's state because those words from Arnav hurt Khushi's hidden wound only making it bleed. It has always been her fear to be tagged  as alone, to be tagged as orphan, to remind herself that she shares blood relation with none in this world!! 

"What.. did.. you.. just..say??"

"You heard me right.. This is not your house and she is not your mother like you claim always.. Unless you would not have talked to her like this ever.. Do you realize how you speaking Khushi?? You did not even...."

Arnav could not continued as Khushi ran away from there. Right then Aarav reached and witnessed Khushi running upstairs to her bedroom. He looked back at his son and wife. And one look at them he knew something worst just happened..

Hearing the door opened with sound, Aarav looked upstairs and found Khushi running down but what shocked him was that luggage in her hand. Khushi was about to leave but Aarav came and stood in front of her..

"Where do you think you are going Khushi??"

"Baba.. Guess what I discovered?? That this house is not mine and she is not my Maa..", while uttering those words Khushi looked back at Arnav who was standing immobile because something like this would happen he had never guessed.. His brain was storming when he found her gaze on him.. It was just a hit of moment and he.. uttered those words!!

Aarav tried to hold Khushi's hand but Khushi stepped back..

"Khushi.. Listen!!"

"Baba.. If you have considered me as your daughter, you would let me go from here.."

"I am not letting you go Khushi.. Remember that.. This demand of yours is never going to be entertained.. Go back to your room Khushi.. (he turned to Arnav) Chotey, go back to your room now.. Both of you leave to your room right now..We will meet on dinner table..", spoke declared Aarav trying to take that trolley bag from Khushi's hand..

"I'll not Baba.."

"Khushi..Go to room.."

"And I'll not stay here either.. Don't worry I am not going to suicide ever.. I am never going to end my life."


"Let me Go Baba.. Please!! Because if I stay here longer, I'll die each second here.."

Arnav could not understand when his support around his mother started losing and Anita fell on ground sliding against wall.. But his eyes were not ready to leave the door..

She left..SHE JUST LEFT leaving everything behind!!!


With continuous rang of calling bell, Nitya rushed to open it only to see Khushi standing there with her luggage and puffy teary eyes..


"Can I stay at your place for a couple of days before I get a new house Nitya??"

Nitya had no idea how to react. Finding her like this Nitya failed to think rationally.. What is going on with them?? Taking her luggage, Nitya held Khushi's hand..

"First come in Khushi.."

Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now