Toy Store

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(A/N: less than 6 hours left until the release of On The Outside's first ever ep!!! Stream Sent From Above for 10 years of good grades hehe)

No time Skip

Sam's POV

Y/N and I were babysitting her baby siblings, Ryan and Bryan. We started y playing some games with them and then, once they got bored, we went to the toy store near by (this was before Toys R Us closed, so we could still go). The boys sat in the backseats in their car seats while Y/N and I sat in the front two seats, her in the passenger and me in the driver. We listened to How Did You Know by my band On The Outside and i sang to the kids and Y/N, and from what I could tell, they loved it!! We parked in a spot close to the store, it was about as close as you could get without being in an illegal parking spot or a handicapped spot since we're not handicapped. Then, I got Ryan out since he was younger and Bryan got out himself, since he was 9 and could unbuckle himself. Then, we held hands with Bryan as Y/N held 3 year old little Ryan in her arms. We went inside the store and the first aisle we went down was the blocks/LEGO aisle, since Bryan's obsessed with them. He picked out 3 things, but Y/N told him to put one back and he got upset, but obliged. Then, I secretly and slyly grabbed the LEGO plus an extra one he had admired and payed for them myself. He loved his gift! We got stuffed animals for Ryan.

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