Babysitting Avi Leiv

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(A/N: parks and recreation is a good show man damn)


Sam and I were sitting on our couch in the house watching The Office (aka our go-to binge watch show) when he got a call from Aaron (his dad). "Hey dad, what's up?" "Hey son, mom is away for the week on work, I have to go to an overnight shift, and the kids are out of the house today. Is there any chance you and Y/N can watch Avi? I'll bring him to you in my way to work, say, 30 minutes?" Aaron said. Sam looked at me and then nodded. "Of course dad" they hung up and we waited for Aaron to bring the baby.

Time Skip 30 minutes


About 30 minutes had passed when we heard the doorbell ring. Sam went to the door, opened it, i heard some murmuring and s few moments later he came back cradling Avi Leiv in one arm and his bag in the other. The smile on his face warmed my heart! The both of them looked so thrilled to see each other and it made my week. I love Sam and his fam.

Time Skip 1 hour


It has been an hour and we were playing with Avi, he is the cutest baby ever!! Sam decided now it was story time to put him to bed for a nap, so we sat down as he held the baby and Sam began his story. He told three well known fairytales: Pinocchio, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and Cinderella. By the end, the baby fell asleep and

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