0 || The Day The Sky Fell

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"Miss. Saito, care to share with the rest of the class what you were dreaming about?"

A white chalk flew towards her, but did not have any chance to make contact. Her hand agilely shot upwards and grabbed the chalk.

"Whoooooaaa~!" Youthful murmurs and exclamations of awe resounded around her.

Mayu looked at the white chalk on her palm in a daze.  She then lifted her head and scanned her surrounding.

A classroom, full of high school students. 

A female teacher who, despite her anger apparent on her face, was looking at her as if she was abnormal.

She looked at her palm again. The color of her skin was lighter, smoother than what she remembered.

The classroom looked normal. The teacher looked normal. Despite the teacher's scrutinizing gaze, Mayu knew she looked as normal as could be.

But none of this was normal. 

She recalled the last line of the sacred pact: [A soul for a soul.]

She trembled.

"Date... ," she murmured, her voice came out like a whimper. It was a youthful voice, one that she did not believe belong to her, "What date is it?"

The classroom broke into loud laughter. Some students already had tears in their eyes. 

The teacher tried to calm the room to no avail. She walked towards the middle of the class, where the female student, who had just asked the seemingly innocent question, was sitting. The teacher's robust steps and the rigid clacking of her heels showed her current mood. 

When was the last time the teacher have someone falling asleep in her class and woke up still heavily dazed? And when did someone ever manage to catch her chalk missile? That was right, never.

The teacher did not even expect the offending student to be Mayu Saito. Average in every academical aspect, average in social circle, but was never in any teacher's bad books.

The person next to her seat whispered in amusement and worry, "It's fifth of August, Mayu-chan. Are you feeling okay?"

Mayu turned her head towards the source of the voice. A teen female with round glasses, her shoulder-height hair was simply styled. Mayu had to think hard to remember. She did not remember the teenager with spectacles. After all, it had been a long time.

But May knew one thing for sure. There was no survivor, except herself, from class 2-D.  Therefore,

"This person... died."

But that was not what she was currently most concerned about. 

It was the date.

"Fifth of August... ."

Mayu widened her eyes and stood abruptly from her seat, scrambling towards the classroom's windows. August was the peak of summer, but the classrooms were equipped with air conditioners, hence the windows were tightly shut.

Her lips quivered, "It's today... ."

Looking at the weirdly behaving female student, the teacher groaned, "What now... ."

The teacher and the other students did not get to question or laugh further at Mayu's bizarre antics.

There was a loud boom, sending a tremor to the classroom, causing everyone to reflexively hold onto their desks. The teacher stumbled towards Mayu's empty seat.

Then as soon as the shaking stopped, the classroom seemed to disappear at that very moment. As if the sun was suddenly wiped out of existence, sending darkness enveloping the whole world. 

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