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"Lets play the confession game. I'll go first since I was the last one to join." I said as we were all sitting in a circle.
I was sitting between Yedam and Yoshinori.
"I honestly had different opinions about all of you before I actually got to know you." I laughed not knowing where to start.
"How did you feel about me?" Hyunsuk asked and I laughed loudly.
"Dude. You were an asshole." I said and everyone laughed.

"I remember the first day we actually spoke, you came to my house to take me to school. I would've let you take me but you were rude as fuck." I said causing them to laugh again.
"What about me?" Yoshinori asked causing everyone's attention to go to him.
"Actually, I never like talked to you alone. We've never like actually bonded and I feel like we should." I said and he nodded as he smiled at the ground.
"Okay what about Jihoon? You hated him at first right?" Yedam said and I laughed.

"Gosh this is gonna be weird." I said looking at Jihoon.
"I'm not sure if I wanna hear about how you hated me." Jihoon said and I held up one finger.
"Actually, I was honestly obsessed with Jihoon." I said with my eyes shut tight.
The guys died of laughter and I nodded because I saw it coming.

"No. How were you obsessed?" Junkyu asked and I sighed.
"I literally used to day dream about him talking to me and everything. I even used to stare at his pictures until I fell asleep, just so I could dream about him." I said and they all laughed and started making kissing noises.
"I don't anymore." I said rolling my eyes.
"No. Jihoon knew how I felt." I said and Jihoon looked shocked.
"What?" He said as Haruto and Yoshinori we're still laughing.

"You did. That's why that one day at lunch you were trying to get me to come outside with you. At the time I was crazy about you and didn't know what you were doing. But now I will literally fight you." I said and we all started laughing.
"Yea and I believe you because I still have to buy a new car because of you." He said and I laughed loudly with Junkyu.
"And Junkyu we started off good but then you like started ignoring me. I mean I know everything happens for a reason but don't forget that I basically joined the gang to save your life." I said and he looked down.

"Oh my gosh. You remember the tracking app?" I said looking at Jihoon then to Junkyu.
The both nodded.
"I ran all the way to Junkyu's house, IN THE RAIN, because he was taking too long." I said and they all started laughing again.
"Yedam, you and I need to have more time together because we barely ever talk. You're more on the quiet side around me." I said and he nodded as he showed his bright smile.

"And Haruto.... You're an ass." I said as he and I laughed.
"You've been the same since day one and I appreciate that. I mean yea I don't like that you're a complete asshole but someone has to be the mean one here." I said and he flicked me off which was expected.
"Now.... Doyoung. If I had to be honest, I regret having a relationship or feelings for Junkyu and Jihoon. Wait not Jihoon, but still. Doyoung I feel like you should've been the one I should've been paying attention to. I think we all know why." I said smiling at him and he smiled back.

"Wait. You don't regret having feelings for Jihoon?" Yedam asked and I cleared my throat.
"Not like that. I just- Let's say that, for some strange reason, Jihoon was my motivation." I looked at the ground and laughed.
As you can see I can't tell who to choose between Jihoon and Doyoung.
I'm not sure why because Doyoung has been perfect.
Maybe that's what's scaring me.
"But I love all of you guys. And I wouldn't give you guys up for any thing. Not money. *cough cough* Jihoon." I said and we all laughed before Yoshinori started the group hug.
I guess this night wasn't gonna be awkward at all.
That's one thing that keeps everyone happy and smiling through hard times.

Good memories.

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