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I woke up the next morning 3 hours late for school.
Wanna know why?
I jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready.
I opened my door and saw Junkyu standing right there about to knock.
"Why are you here?" I asked as I adjusted my bookbag.
"You didn't show up to school. Just wanted to make sure you were safe. Let's go." He said and headed to his car.

Not once did he make eye contact with me.
I didn't argue and I got in the passengers seat.
The ride was a comfortable silence and once we reached school I rushed to my second hour class that was about to end.


I hesitantly walked into the cafeteria and saw Junkyu eating lunch alone.
He wasn't even eating, he was just pushing his tray around while looking down at it.
Should I sit with him?
I then looked around and saw Haruto sitting alone also.
What's up with him?

I then found myself approaching Haruto and I sat across from him.


I felt someone staring at me and I quickly glanced up and saw Jessica.
She didn't even notice me looking at her.
There was this small piece of hope in my chest that she would sit next to me but when she walked right past my table it went away.
I should've known that I'm not good enough.

Jessica's P.O.V

"Hey." I said and he finally noticed that I was there.
"What?" He said rudely.
"Why aren't you sitting with your friends?" I asked and he laughed bitterly.
"Why do you care? Haven't you done enough to us all already?" And with that comment I took it as my cue to go.
I stood up and was about to go sit with Junkyu when Jihoon approached me.

"Hey Jessica." He smiled, showing his clear like braces.
I couldn't even find a voice in myself to speak so I just waved while smiling.
He laughed a little and looked at the ground.
"Wanna go sit outside and talk? I know you could use someone right now because of all the stuff that's been going on." He said and my heart melted.

"I don't really like the outdoors." I said and he looked shocked.
"Here. I'll help you enjoy the outdoors." He said and reached for my hand.
Omg I've dreamed of this day for so long.
How could I pass up this opportunity!?
But that's when I saw Junkyu still looking sad and my smile slowly faded.
"I'm sorry Jihoon. But right now isn't the time." I said and was about to leave when he grabbed my arm.
"What's wrong?" He asked looking in my eyes.

"Nothing. I just have a friend who needs me." I smiled slightly and he looked at the ground.
"I really like you Jessica. And I really wanted us to be something." He said and my heart literally exploded.
But that's when I came to realization.
No one could ever like me.
"I'm sorry." I said before I released my arm from his hold and went over to Junkyu.
I sat really close besides him.

Like really close to the point where we were touching.
"Hi." I smiled while looking at him.
"Hi." He said back plainly.
"Let's go." I said as I grabbed his arm.
"Go where?" He sighed and I smiled.
"Doesn't matter." I said and he looked at me and eventually smiled back.


So much anger built up in me when she pulled away.
Why did she even pull away?
I thought she likes me!
Once I saw her sit really close to Junkyu I had my answer.
Friend huh?
Now I have to tell YG to manipulate Junkyu into doing it.
Why is everything so complicated?!


I didn't intend on being mean to Jessica but I didn't want any of the guys to think that I'm the one who snitched on her.
So I can't have or show any sign of me talking to her.
I know you're thinking I should do the opposite but I'm always mean to Jessica.
Can't start being nice all of a sudden.
That way if they blame me, I'll be able to say "I don't even talk to Jessica" but from the looks of it that's not gonna happen.
I then saw Jihoon talking to Jessica and it was obvious that she likes him.
What's wrong with me?
I've been trying for years yet she barely looks at me.

For some strange reason she kept blowing off Jihoon and I kept wondering why until I saw her sit extremely close to Junkyu.
They're dating!?
Well now I definitely know that he didn't do it.
Could it be Jihoon?
"No way possible." I laughed to myself as I ate my rice.
Maybe it was Hyunsuk.
He's the leader and he would go down first so I see why he would snitch.
But would Hyunsuk feel differently if he found out that she's Junkyu's girlfriend?


There was too much happening at lunch for me to just come out and tell only Hyunsuk.
If I told all the guys I might've just ended Haruto's life right then and there.
As I was looking for Hyunsuk I saw Junkyu and Jessica at Junkyu's car and they were laughing and I think he was trying to tickle her or something.
Then they started holding hands and he was talking to her while they were staring in eachothers eyes.
Must be nice because I can't relate.

"Can I talk to you?" I said walking up to Hyunsuk.
It was the end of the day and everyone was going to their lockers and busses and then going home.
"Yea what's up?" He said and brushed Jihoon, Doyoung, and Asahi off.
Doyoung left but Asahi and Jihoon stayed.
"Privately?" I said making it known that I want them to leave.
"Sorry." Asahi said and then left.
"You can tell me. I'm just as curious as you all are." Jihoon said and I nodded.

"Haruto And Junkyu told YG about Jessica."

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