2: Hawai'ian Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Your name was Tane? And you had a family?" England asks New Zealand, stopping the next scene from playing. Regret and guilt are  obvious on his face.

"Yeah," He says. "Actually Tane still is my name, but no one but the other Pacific Island nations call me that anymore. Not since you- yeah," New Zealand says, obviously a bit uncomfortable now. Hawai'I puts an arm around him in comfort.

"I'm sorry lad," England says. "If I had known, I don't think I would have taken you from them or given you a new name."

"What's done is done," New Zealand says with a shrug. "It would have happened anyway, and you never treated me horribly, so I don't hold it against you anymore." That's not to say that he didn't once hate England from taking him from his family, but he grew to understand the situation and though he didn't like it for quite some time, he didn't hold it against the older nation.

The scene shifts, showing older versions of Leilani and Tane. Except Leilani is older than Tane now, looking to be thirteen while Tane looks ten. They're standing at the edge of the water. Anuata approaches the two, hugging Leilani.

"Goodbye Leilani. May the gods watch over you on your journey home," Leilani sniffles and hugs Anuata, burying her face in the other's chest. Anuata hugs her back, smiling proudly, tears in her eyes.

"Goodbye Mama," Leilani says once their hug ends. After she says that, Tane tackles her in a hug.

"I'll miss you!" He cries out, tears building in his eyes.

"I'll miss you too," she says, hugging him. "You watch out for yourself, you little brat," she teases, ruffling his hair. Her eyes are watering as well and her smile wavers.

"I will. Be careful out there."

"I trust my people. Some of them are already there, I have to go join them." Once Hawai'i and New Zealand part, she goes to join her people and they set sail.

"You have to visit Mama once this is all over," New Zealand says to Hawai'i as the scene changes once more.

A seventeen year old Hawai'i stands, still dressed in traditional clothing, in the Oval Office, glaring at both the president and personification before her.

"This is illegal, you can't just take my lands, you asshole!" She argues, arms crossed over her chest. "And Atto! You-! I trusted you!" She looks at him, betrayal in her eyes.

"We can and we will," the president argues with a raised eyebrow. "Your leader has already given in. It doesn't matter what you say, the Hawaiian Islands are now US territory." He turns to look at America. "Alfred, your records show that you've done this before, we don't need multiple personifications for one country, get rid of her."

Hawai'i's eyes widen, looking at America with fear in them.

"No," America protests, eyes wide and afraid. "She's right, this-this is wrong. And- and I'm not going to kill her."

"You've done it before," the president argues smoothly. "Why is this time any different?"

"Because it's wrong! And I'm not fighting for a unified country or to expand! And I never wanted to kill them anyway!" America storms from the room and Hawai'I, shocked at what's she's learned, follows after him. 

She finds him in a spare room, sobbing into his hands.

"What the hell was that?" She asks softly. The nation before her is younger than her in every way, and though his government just annexed her, he seems to be against it.

"He- he wanted me to kill you," America gasps out in-between his sobs. "I can't - I can't do that ever again. They made me kill- they made me-" he cuts himself off with his own sobs and he buries his head in his knees.

"Shh, Atto," she soothes. "You don't have to tell me now, okay?"

America nods. "'Lani? Can-can you call me Alfred? Please?" Hawai'I nods, confusion evident on her face, but she doesn't press the issue.

The screen goes black again.

"Atto, you kept calling him Atto, why?" Finland asks, desperately confused. The other Nordics look confused as well, but also very sad.

"It, it was my name for a while," America answers. "I-I don't remember who gave it to me or-or when. I-I don't remember a lot from before England found me."

"He had amnesia," England speaks up. "Couldn't remember a thing, I tried to use magic to see if I could bring the memories back but it hurt him, so I stopped."

Finland nods, looking crestfallen.

"I didn't know your name had been Atto though." England continues, addressing  America rather than the Nordics.

"I didn't tell you because I wanted a new name," he confesses. "But after the Revolution my bosses went back to calling me Atto, saying that I should cut ties with you... I'm sorry." America's lip wobbled slightly and his hands clenched at his sides.

"It's alright Alfred, I understand," the Englishman answers, noticing America's tell-tale signs of an impending breakdown and wanting to comfort him. "You go by Alfred now though, correct?" He asks, just to be sure. America nods and England relaxes. 

"What's this about killing nations though?" Turkey asks with a predatory grin. "Golden boy ain't so golden, huh?"

"Don't remind me, don't talk about it, don't talk about it, just stop talking about it!" America finally snaps, shaking his head, covering his ears with his hands and putting his head between he knees as if to block everything out. Turkey, and a few other nations, look at him surprised. The breakdown England had tried to prevent earlier was coming to pass.

Canada, faster than anyone else, is at America's side, trying to coax him from his shell. North Mexico and Hawai'I aren't that far behind. Together, the three talk America out of his near-panic attack. North covers America's ears and Hawai'I rubs his back as Canada speaks.

"Don't bring it up again. And don't talk about his civil war or his western expansion or the Mexican-American war or the Louisiana Purchase. If any of you say anything that results in this kind of reaction I will hunt you down and skin you like a caribou, got it?" He warns, a dangerous aura radiating from him. The other nations, stunned at the pure anger and malicious intent radiating off of the normally quiet and peaceful nation, nod.

"They're likely going to show up so just save your questions for then, got it?" Hawai'I threatens. Let it be known that, though she jokes around about America and is upset with his government, she does not hate Alfred. And she is seriously protective over other people, often including Alfred.

Canada turns back to America and North Mexico uncovers the American's ears.

After a few more minutes, everything's calmed down and Sweden presses the play button again.

A/N: Historical Note - Both the Hawaiians and the Maori are said to come from the island Tahiti. Well some of the Hawaiians; there were apparently two waves of Polynesians that travelled to Hawai'I, the first group from Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia and the second from Tahiti.

I wanted Hawai'I and New Zealand to be old friends despite the huge time gap between when the Hawaiians left and when the Maori left. (The second group of Hawaiians traveled to Hawai'I around 900/1000 CE and the Maori travelled to New Zealand around 1300 CE.) But this is Hetalia so I do what I want.

Less-Historical Note - Alfred and Leilani knew each other prior to the annexation of Hawai'i. That's how they know each other's human names.

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